
It's that time of year, kids...Comic-Con comes to San Diego's a BOOM for the estimated 300,000 people flock to it....some to just prance around in costumes...we usually find a nice spot at a watering hole...and watch the festivities...I can't recall ever reading a comic book...really...hmmm, we did see Dick Tracy while in Canada...many moons ago...that's back when Madonna had her real face...

The city has many buildings wrapped in these huge poster type of's supposed to be a fine to do it...however, obviously no one ever gets more and more go up...I think it's cool...last year we tried to ride our bikes thru the crowds...what a gigantic's like maneuvering thru a downtown New York, er, Manhattan, street...

Hmmm, the Friars are stepping up...lambasted the Nat's, the Washington team ended up throwing non-pitchers...which I always, and I mean always, think is a joke...trot some dude out there that has been struggling...give him some time...all the while, just blocks away...something else is happening...

Israel's Netanyahu was speaking at the Congressionals...and the mob outside was rioting...the Palestinians I you have a feeling about this?...I get the solidarity with Israel...but his actions are above and beyond that, it seems to I right or wrong?...I'm not even sure what side of the fence both parties are on...

A very peculiar statement by the FBI Director, Christopher Wray, in Congress yesterday...that he wasn't sure that trump was indeed hit by a duh...a fragment of something, yes...but, a bullet?...well, if he isn't sure...give me a break...he is sure...trump was really lucky the kid was a very bad shot...the one that was killed, was in harm's way...and THAT is sad...did I say that right?...

My golf game has gone to the pits...can't drive and can't putt...I was so bad, I didn't even have chances to recover decently...gonna change some sticks...something...can't be the player...I had a series of 6' 6 of them, I think...I just looked at my card, it was 8 6's...EIGHT!...

NBA News...the oft very funny TNT telecast has this next season as their last...Amazon is taking over...Chas, Ernie, Shaq, and Kenny will have their swan song...too bad, but things don't last forever...

It's only Thursday?...seems like a Saturday... 

The Duck in the lake...right by the new Big 16, or is it 18?...


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