The Sign

Hello strangers...well, 'Hello Stranger'...the awesome hit of the one and only, Barbara Lewis...perhaps, it went bye bye in your mind...dig it back will thank me later...ah, me blog title today is all about the SIGN!...there are many interpretations of the word and it's such, just may be when you are driving and someone doesn't like your path...another, is when you are about to do something, and you wait for the sign....perhaps, you need to sign on the dotted line...or, maybe you need to sign up to vote...

Signs Signs everywhere a Sign...why isn't it sine?... yes, the Five Man Electrical Band sung this song...'Signs'...what does the sign say?...

News out of Israel...that 4 of the hostages have been rescued...terrific! surprised that they are still alive...I have had my doubts that any of them were...this whole thing would stop, if the sides would get together...release the rest of the hostages...and Israel agree to stop the onslaught...will this happen?...

Bizarre set of circumstances...some right wing group, is calling out...first Taylor Swift, and now Dolly Parton...for their support of the LGBQT community...

Here in Cali....every 2 years, for the older cars we own...we have to get a SMOG test on the same time we pay for their registrations...what a croc...guess what sign I am giving the DMV...

Boss is in Montecito to help with the grandkids...and I am 'Home Alone', one of my fav movies ever...I belly laugh at the antics of Joe Pesci and Daniel Stern...alias Harry Lime and Marv Murchins...anyhoo, the Horse had a big salad for din cook is gone...

So did miss yesterday's slogan day...Natty Doughnut they make sugar free ones?...with no carbs?...

Clarence Thomas...SCOTUS member...admits to taking 2 free vacays from Texas billionaire, Harlan Crow....a very conservative political bloke...he just recalled that...'to the best of my recollection'...seems to me, that if he is in doubt, what on earth is he sitting on the highest court in our land?...

My beef with many politicians...that get elected...promising to serve their constituents faithfully...then get into Congress...and run right over to the side that has their name on it...votes in that block, and takes as much money as they can get from the know, to get's a sham and a shame...

This afternoon is the Belmont Stakes...the 3rd jewel of the Triple Crown...yet is going to be run at Saratoga...oh well, still in NY....I have 2 bets going right now...will look at the weather, prior to making any more...

Gonna leave you with this very beguiling topic...we all love bananas, right?...some for real medicinal reasons...well, what do you do with that stringy thang that is on 'em when you peal the fruit?...toss it? it?...well, get has a name...a gross one...they are called phloem bundles...which actually carries the nutrition to the nanner while growing...yes, highly edible...and we do eat the skin of other fruit...apples, pears, strawberries...why not the banana?...we could...really...


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