What would you do, If I sang outta tune?
'Would you stand up, and walk out on me'...yup, Ringo sang it first...but, the best was a cover by the one and only, Joe Cocker...the gravely voiced one...it was indeed, a sign of the times...for some reason, takes me back...back to the 60's...late 60's...college days and all...Woodstock...'69...as he sang this song by the Beatles...'With a Little Help From My Friends'...it was a terrible time for the US, but a great time for music...and so it goes...
A query here...does Mara-Lago qualify as an asset for Bozo?...does it mean, that that is a property that could be confiscated?...right along with the golf courses and tower?...no wonder he is flipping out...more so than normal...hmmm, how about his airplane?...ground the sucker...make him travel commercial...
The Big Dance has begun...how in the world could Virginia qualify?...they got whupped badly during the season...big scores...I thought that was one of the big criteria...witness the awful showing last nite...14 points at half, missing all FG for over 10 minutes...fact is, they missed 19 straight FG attempts...in as dismal a showing as I have ever seen...in the same conference, is Duke...rated a 4...by whom?...they are average at best...I would have them as a no. 9 seed...whatever...
Woke up this am, and checked the initial game in Korea...the Friars were leading 2-1 thru 7, versus the Bums...alas, the LaLa group woke up, and are now whupping SD...nice pen, AJ...2-5, in the 9th...and here we go again...booooooo...it's a wrap, 2-5...and now the undefeated season is over...0-1...
Thus far, positive-negative-negative-negative...dang...
It's that time of year...the Horse is bringing out his driving iron...a '2'...only when the ground gets hard and the line drives roll forever...
I started with '69 and Joe Cocker...the video was limited back then...and so, the TV reigned supreme...what did we watch?...Laugh-in...Gunsmoke...Bonanza...Here's Lucy...My Three Sons...Hee Haw...and, of course, The Ed Sullivan Show...amongst others, perhaps, your favorites that I left out...that is, if you were born yet...
Where is Mark Meadows?...FBI protection?...just saying...
The Horse ALWAYS sings outta tune...