With Super Tuesday looming, ah, like tomorrow...the Supreme Court of our land...alias SCOTUS...will break into their very task oriented, daily clear up any little thing, that just might hinder their candy man, trump...yes, my good friends...the Colorado blockage of trump being on their ballot...this will probably occur while I am writing this am...trump will be on the ballot, if it is up to SCOTUS...makes no difference what the 'lower' courts decided...they, and only they, make the law of the land...we are in for a horrific ride...while this structure stays in place...
BREAKING...SCOTUS did judge in trump's favor...he is not to be held off the ballot in Colorado!...this was very shortly after 10 am, ECST...
Alas, the catsup was flowing in Mara-lago last Nikki won her first DC...rather shocking to trump, at a 62-38 I have mentioned often lately, he appears to be losing his speech powers...resembling a person having a stroke...he talks so much about Prez B's age...but his, affects himself, more...
What on earth happened in Boston?...these are NBA pros, right?...the GS Warriors got pummeled by the 52...fifty-two...!!!...making mockery of the game...think about this, the Celts hottest player, Porzingis, wasn't even suited up!...a total embarrassment, this late in the season for the Kerr's Boyz...
There is this series on CNN, about the scandals in politics...the powerful men, all fall to the sins of other women...then lie about it...Jake Tapper is the host...ha ha, just read this back...sins of other women?...I mean, they fell to cheat on their wives...and tried to cover it up...wondering, do powerful women do this, too?...
The highest grossing film of all time?...drum roll will never ever guess this...Avatar...
American Idol...some questions I have...there was this gal singer, Scarlett Lee...26 year old from London...she was good...and in her past, she was 2nd in England's X Factor...has already cut a Christmas album....BUT, this Idol format, is that all contestants must be USA citizens...what's going on? is AMERICAN Idol...SCOTUS, can you break from your very trump routine, and give judgment on this?...
The Horse brain a we set sail to Arizona...who already are on permanent daylight savings time...when we return, here in Cali, it is the time, that this state turns to it...DST...thus, I won't have to change my watch...brilliant...
As per usual, my posts will be spotty this week...bear with me...but, I will guarantee great PIX!