Easter Sunday
This is not a religious debate session today...it is Easter Sunday...the date fluctuates, right?...as the meaning, however, remains the same...we have in the world, so many religions...some worship this day, some do not...some people use it, as a means of ....well, you know...faith is a very difficult word to cajole...varies so much...in the Middle East, in Israel, in Russia, in Japan, in China...the listing goes on and on...I can recall from way back in high school modern problems class, the list of all the religions of the world...and realized how difficult the idea is...my mom brought us up as Episcopalian...her father was a preacher...Boss, was brought up Catholic...listen, kids, do what you must do...I did see that Bozo is selling Bibles...you know, he needs the scratch...
The hoop world now...on the guys side...UConn looks mighty strong, I dunno, near unbeatable...ripping Illinois...I have yet to see Alabama, but they keep winning...today...Tennessee and Purdue, in another blood bath...check out the refs, the deciders...and then, the rematch...NC State and Duke...the Wolf Pack appear to have the Devils number...on the ladies side...the Beavs take on the oh so tuff South Carolina gals...long shot...and the ladies Wolf Pack plays Texas...have not seen either...all of the Big Dances completely shadows what is going on in the NBA...but did notice that PDX lost by 60 again...this is the pro's...not middle school, Portland...maybe there should be a point differential in place...after 40, game over...and all fans, receive their money back...
Don't ask me about the Friars...just don't ask...
Horrific weather up in Montecito...Cris is battling the raging waters...both in their house, and in his office...thunder, lightning, high winds, and the bloody rain...like I think he said 4 inches...we, here in SD, are to be getting some of that, this afternoon...have we not got more of this in the past few years, than before for the past decade?...I reckon...
The Easter egg hunt...recall those days?...my mom would hard boil some...we would color 'em...and then, hide them...it was always a mystery if we found them all...nobody seemed to know the exact numbers...cuz Sis Jill would crack one and eat it...I blame her...then I heard of others, who actually hid money in plastic eggs...I felt schickered...those were the days, my friends...