Lonesome Loser

Oh my, how this could cover a lot of ground
...'Lonesome Loser'...but, in this case, the Horse is referring to one of my favorite cover bands on the web net...The Foxes and Fossils...as they just released their version of the classic Little River Band hit...this cover band, is outta Georgia...and with their flexibility of singers and musicians, can 'cover' a lot of hits...you must check them out...try YouTube...the other band, is the Russian one...Leonid & Friends...who do mostly Chicago songs...and they put on an awesome show, too...as they travel all over the US doing so...

As we approach the Sunday of Sundays...the LVIII Sooper Bowl...the Lonesome Loser, might just apply to the kicker...as these dudes, are called upon to decide the game...well, often...they have the clean jersey...why they wear one, is beyond moi...and a helmet...you know, just in case...for 4 quarters the teams beat each other up...then, out trots this lil feller, to decide who wins...or loses...good kick and he gets carried off the field...misses (wide right) and he is left alone, that lonesome loser...

Gulp, Nikki Haley might just be feeling like a lonesome loser...as the votes were counted in Nevada...and she came in 2nd to 'none of these candidates'...trump wasn't on the ballot, thus, this none, was really the real loser, orange...nobody in the news will say this...but, count on the Horse to do so...oh yea, Prez B won handily on the Demo side...

You forevers are losers...you gave money to trump for re-election purposes...and now...he used that money to pay for his daughter's legal fees...Ivanka...to the tune of $2.3 million bucks...aren't their rules that apply here?...have they been broken?...woah, what am I saying?...to think that trump broke rules...the original lonesome loser...

'Citizen trump'...that is what he is now...the immunity that he wanted so, is gone...and now the hammer is raised...he will call for aid, like from 'his people'...thing is, many of them are in the pokey, serving time for the last time he called out for them...and they sit, all by themselves...lonesome losers...

Rumor has it that there are walls covered with catsup, er Ketchup, at Mara-Lago last nite...

Somebody came to their senses in the Repub party...the chairwoman...Ronna McDaniel...will step down after the South Carolina election...this after she went and met with trump in Mara-lago...had to be a gag of gags meeting with that foo...run, don't walk, Ronna...

Must say, for the 1st time in 160 years...the House impeachment of someone...(this time, Homeland Security chief) failed...usually, well, most always...he or she, who calls for the vote, already has the numbers needed...Speaker Johnson, on his tele call to trump, 'what happened, boss, I thought you said we had the votes?'...

From my latest book that I am reading...I had no idea to the amounts of internal Nazis the USA had roaming the streets in the late 1930's...of course, I wasn't born yet...however, in all my studies of the wars...1 and II...this was not even mentioned...hmmm...why not?...

The Horse has had a bunch of political stuff today...sorry for the overload...so, how about this...there is more parity in guys college hoops this season, than EVER before...the gals, not so much...there are 10 teams, above the rest...not in the guys...

More college...coaches are calling for caps on how much their players can earn...wow, does that sound odd or what?...some of these players are making boucoup bucks...who would govern this?...as right now, there is none...the money is outta hand...we are in a very strange conundrum when it comes to collegiate sports...

I paid $92 a term for tuition at college...and I struggled raising that...


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