Don't Play That Song

Casablanca...the flick of the his most memorable movie of all time
...shoot, well, it was for moi...Ingrid Bergman, his former lady friend...Victor Laszio, a name that could have been as famous as any in Seinfeld...Dooley Wilson as Sam...who is on the piano, and is playing 'THAT SONG'...for the million dollars, what was that song?...'As Time Goes By'...written by Herman Hupfeld in 1931...the film was released in it again, Sam...

'You must remember this, a kiss is just a kiss...a sigh is just a sigh, the fundamental things apply, as time goes by...'

Where is that city? it safe to go there?...yes...BUT...I dunno about travel in any of them ports right now...sorry, kids...on YOUR bucket list?...

Love...ah ha...the Bachelor...damn it all, I got hooked into the show...again...this dude, a good looker...has his choice of like 25 ladies...they, seemingly, all fall for the guy...really, is that possible?...I like it when he breaks down and cries...too much emotion for him...nothing better than a cat fight or two...who can't just love this show?...

Every time I watch that show, the song 'The Love Shack' rambles in me head...the B 52's...

One of my golfing buddies, said if he saw any person wearing the gold trump 'athletic' shoe, he would tackle him...I'd tape it...can you imagine trump ever playing hoops?...jumping?...

The 'polls' are out in South Carolina...and they don't bode well for Nikki...yes, there are that many foos in that state...will she or won't she continue on?...rumor is that today, she might say nay...lord, it is a sinking orange ship, and the dumb republicans don't see it...did I say sinking or stinking?...same...

Prince William has called for an end to the fighting in Gaza, ASAP...yes, that ought to do it...

For your guy trump, to try to file an appeal to the $450 million dollar fraud ruling...he will have to post bond of significant monies...THEN, it will be looked at...less than 30 days now...that's a lot of shoes, bloke...and by all accounts, he will lose that...he is a loser...

You know, these collegiate the sports field...make so much money in college, they take a pay cut to turn, how times have changed...yes, I got free Converse Hoops shoes when I played...true dat...and a practice jersey and pair...I thought I was in hog heaven...

Matt bloke for Sacramento State...did something that I have never heard of a DH (I assume) he got by pitches...7 TIMES! did they not get into a fight...a brawl...a brouhaha...a knock down drag out...

For all the rain north of us in LA and SB...we have yet to get it...supposed to have, last eve...nope...and as of 7:30 am...none...

Finally, just read that Nikki is staying in the race, until Super Tuesday...she has the monetary backing...I'm thinking that she is there...just in case...that trump gets convicted and is sentenced...perhaps, all you FU's will figure it out and move to her...


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