You Need This
Let's take a short break from the high drama that is surrounding us, what you say?...back in me crazy, youthful days...the ladies (yes, gents, too) were seemingly always writing and singing about...JOHNNY!...Johnny this, Johnny that....'Johnny Get Angry' by Joanie Sommers...something about needing a cave man...nope, not this Johnny...'Johnny Angel' by Shelley Fabares...I admit, she got me in the worst crush of crushes...I was an angel to her...right...'Johnny B Goode' by Chuck Berry... rocking ditty that some say followed his life as a youngin...'Big Bad John' by Jimmy Dean...well, it wasn't lyric right for him to call him Johnny...he was a miner and a big big bad man...even tho not in the title, Lesley Gore sang about Johnny....Johnny, I said we were through, just to see what you would stood there and hung your head, made me wish that I were dead...yes, this Johnny got the heave ho just like that...there are others, but these are the ones that ring in me head...
Off we go to the Middle the entire area waits...for a response from us, the USA...who are we going to attack? will happen...and the query Iran?...which will explode the region like never before...this is the time, that leadership has it's biggest man appears to be hell bent on destroying each other...which I will never ever understand...ever...beat them in a match, game, or maneuver, but not...KILL! I pacifist?...more, a realist...
Just has to be another sweaty palm day for Judge Engeron will likely unload his verdict on him this week...perhaps, today...the number could be staggering...$200 million dollars? about a month...the Coup Case gets trump keeps ripping everyone along the way, hoping that his forevers don't pay attention, or more probably, hear about it...definitely not read about it...
We have this corner here in SD, Market and 1st Streets (a block away from us at the Home)...that there are collisions at almost every month...some very nasty...last night's version, was extremely I drive by it, the intersection, I can't see what the problem is...but these cats are traveling at a high speed, doesn't happen at like midnight, you'd think...the drunkards...but, more like at from 5-7 pm...I a loss...
2 weeks to plan for the Sooper Bowl...LVIII (58 for you math deprived peops) Vegas...where the reports are out that to get a tix, it is the highest priced ones are on the road with Cosmo...not sure where we will be that day...Cris's?...hope so...
Toyota just announced to stop driving some of their older cars and rigs...their airbags might just explode on you while driving...already 28 have done so...the problem is, we have been on recall to replace ours for years...the airbag company filed bankruptcy...this is a mess...
Listen, you want to make a mint?...get into the airbag
Saw a flick last eve...'Mystic River'...2003?...there about...had a great cast, but man, was it slllloooooowwwwww...directed by Clint Eastwood, who just had to be taking a nap while doing the film...Kevin Bacon, Sean Penn, and Tim Robbins in the lead roles...Penn and Robbins won Academy Awards for their acting...really?...Bacon got screwed...BTW, the Savage Brothers...I can think back to so many neighborhood brothers...that were near hoodlums, but kind of scared the bejesus out of you...not to name names...they could be still alive...yes, there was a Johnny in it...Johnny O'Shea...
Suits...they are running about the town...must be a doctor's convention...they all have blazers on...carrying their cups of coffee...walking, not running...all hours of the day...asking where the adult dancers are...(kidding)...come to think of it, can you name a doctor named Johnny?...