California Dreamin'

All the leaves are brown...and the sky is gray
....c'mon,'s the Mamas and Papas! know it, the song...'California Dreamin'...the turning of the, it was so beautiful up in the the colors, oh my, the colors...breath taking...can see why so many cherish this time of the year...pictured above is just an example. that I took in Salem, Oregon...we don't get much of this down here in the Marina...

But, we do get warmth...the reason we moved....purnt near year round...listen, kids, there are plusses and minuses EVERYWHERE...and the heat helps these old bones more than the cold...just a fact, ma' mas...the super markets there are simply awesome...we have nothing like Roth's...not even close...

You have water bills, electric and gas bills, roof maintenance, power washing your driveway, garbage service...we have HOA's...the only diff?...the 24 hour security...I dunno, pretty much a toss up for who pays the's simply not cheap to exist...ha ha...wait one more...$3.69 for petrol...

Let's go...

The House has to come up with another solution to keep the government a running...they do this like every other month?...seems like there should be a better way, right?...

trump went at it again...with more rhetoric at his revivals...'vermins'...the latest...whatever, he is a foo, and just babbles on to his forevers...who take everything he says as did the James Jones group...follow me brother and sister, to the promise land...yea, something like that...keep least we know where you are...

We are supposed to get, gulp, rain for the rest of the week...starting maƱana...really?...starting slowly it is gorgeous out this am...must be a fast arising thang...duh...

The Hamas had been planning their attack for months, perhaps years...too bad they didn't tell the Palestinians...very very evil...

When does Rudy Guliani take the stand?...March?...I would like a front row seat in the condo...popcorn and plenty of beverages for this debacle...we will probably have this down in the Marina Room...wait, I think most of my fellow homesters are extreme right, no, I will be up in my condo...they will be there, counting their 100 dollar bills...all wearing their MAGA caps and singing 'Horst Wessel'...maybe, I am kidding...maybe...

An item in yesterday's blog...about the names floating about for the now abandoned Texas A&M job...UO's Dan Lanning says he is 0% going there...he is happy where he is...another name floating?...Prime...ha ha...really?...well, he does have a boatload of sunglasses he can take with him...and it is sunny in Texas...

Even with the mucking up of the lineup...HC Barney Fife pulled out a win this weekend...and lamented that he would never ever make that mistake him...I don' we are 2nd in the league and just one game out...and have scored the most of all...BTW, I know I passed on Snooki...but, dude, have you heard about the A&M job?...

Man...2 HUGE games this weekend...Washington at Oregon State...and Oregon at Arizona good as it gets...have yet to see the spreads...this will be great viewing...a put up or shut up set...terrific...

And, the embattled and underperforming HC of the SDSU Aztecs...Brady Hoke...'resigned' yesterday from the spot...a good move as this team, was blood needed...and someone who can recruit...not sure of his severance pay, but I can guarantee you it was not $76 million bucks...

This is one I won't go to...2 MAGAS are gonna tour together...Jason Aldean and Kid Rock...$25 a tix and if you are a forever, you get in FREE...wait, I am kidding...I have no idea about prices...but, they will be performing they know 'Horst Wessel' in cowboy?...

And of all has been spotted...the 1st Christmas Tree of the season...!!!...on November 13, 2023...we rejoice!...the seal has been broken (my pardons to the Biblical meaning)...over at our friends at the Horizons...and now the show goes on...

                              HAPPY HOLIDAYS!...


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