Staying Above it All

Morning, kids...the Horse is up like at 3...egads...the mind was a working overtime...some times it just happens that way
...couldn't get back to sleep, thus I came into my office and started to read...this cyber news...

We watched the latest Julia Roberts flick, on Netflix...a Sci-Fi one, I guess...that got me going...the cyber network has taken over the I have alluded to before...if I was elected president, the first thing I would do, is hire 1,000 geeks...and protect us in this area...maybe, we already do that...whatever happened to that cyber attack in Vegas?...kind of was here, and then POOF!...nobody talks about that...weird things with the airlines, least a couple of times...where they were immediately grounded...cyber attack to their system...who knows how Russia has infiltrated our voting system...must be why trump tries to find a flaw...BTW, in the flick, they must have run out of finish the way they did...

Reminded me of the horrific ending to the great series 'Seinfeld' on earth could they come up with that ending?...'The Sopranos', same thing...c' can do better than that...'Suits' did 'Mash'...they found a way to wrap it up...properly...and fulfilling...

After returning from the kids, we reminisce about leading a nomadic life style...go here, go there, stay here, and then, go again...and no, we can't part with integral part of how we do what we do...yup, stay here at the home long enough, to rest...

This vertical living is perfect for a home base...albeit, we have fewer and fewer peops we really know here...isn't that weird?...more people come and go in this form of community, then at home real, we just bob and weave...and stay above it all...I would estimate 75% of the people I run into in the elevator, I don't know...hmmm, maybe closer to 60-65%...

The 'best' collegiate player in the land gets voted for...the winner gets the 'Heisman Award'...the kid from LSU won this season...the UO Nix and UW Penix were next in line...have no idea how this voting goes...but how the Dawg's Penix didn't get it, is a mystery to moi...undefeated team, and LSU was not...whatever...

The Ohtani...thinger...he was shopping everywhere, that money could pay him...ended up with the Bums...of course...which makes them an all star team...that plays all the also rans...good luck catching them...anyhoo...the price was a mere $700,000,000 for 10 years...and then catch this (baseball lingo), he gets paid $2 mil a season for 10 years, then gets the rest at the, the Bums can finagle other stars to join the group, monetarily...

Never look down on someone, unless you are helping them up...

Our trip this time...most of it was listening to Xmas music...all genres...and the one I enjoyed the most...was Lady A...but, kids, there are so many good renditions of songs YOU is amazing...this station had modern era...well, sort of...they did slip in a Johnny Mathis once in a while...

For today's dart on the map of the USA...I threw landed in Twitty, Texas, and the other split Conway, Arkansas...this is more about Harold Lloyd Jenkins...a country sanger...that was needing a stage name...and popped on the map, those two cities...2 cities just off Hwy 40...Conway and Twitty...thus, Conway Twitty...he started in the famous Sun Records, you know em, Elvis...and hit it big with 'It's Only Make Believe' in 1958...'Hello Darlin', followed by many more...and then, he joined some nobody gal named Loretta Lynn...and they did a number of duets...we saw him in Portland, lordy, it has to be 50 years ago, or so...he just talking...that was his thing...terrific voice...


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