One Week Away

As I peer into my Carnac Crystal Ball
...I see that we are but a week away from our 'annual' trip to the homeland...for another Oregon Duck football game...this time a wee bit later and we are anticipating a rather soggy stay there...we cram as much as we can, in the few days that we graciously harbored at the Snookis...past 3 days and we start to stink, is the rule...wait a minute, we did tell them we were coming, right?...

Included this time, is a pow wow with my tribe...ah, the remaining members of them...the 2 bros and sis...and we meet for a...well, I am not sure why...but, we are...somebody called for a quorum...I think Bro Jim...usually tell falsehoods about the Horse...ha ha...actually, they are usually true...and then, with our long lost friends from that hood...the Ziebells and Vicki B....toss in a jaunt to our fav pizza place...and while Snooki and I go to the game, Boss takes off and sees her old, now, very old cronies...ah, friends from back...there...I am kidding, gals, you are not old...I am are in the prime zone of your lives...something like that...

And then, zoom on back...Dave and Laurie, we appreciate you so much...I'm telling you now, in case I forget then...and however you do it, no rain, please...

The Texas Rangers are indeed the a rather no doubter in this Series...Bochy got his number 4 ring...yes, this is the Mgr that the Padres fired...just another example of inept ownership and or, management...not on the field type, but up in the penthouse...booooooo....but yea, for Bochy...

The early NBA season...hey, these Blazers have heeded me warning, and have won 2 in row after I lambasted 'em...really, I don't know diddely squat about the game anymore...these cats play a whole different brand of ball that I am used to...everybody beats's almost like the NFL...on any given, in the hoops, on any given night...

The passing of legendary Bobby Knight...83...egads...just an ornery old cuss...that was ahead of his time...did a lot of high screens, back when the play was more patterned and flowing...and his temper....woooah...I went to a clinic he had up in man...just him...he was outstanding and had a weird, yet effective, sense of humor...recall this line, as he was coaching a high school team from the area as his pawns....'does your mother know who is coaching you today?'...

Back in the day...we (coaches) went to countless hoops clinics...listened to many college guys talk and diagram what they did...terrific getaway for us, and I always took at least one thing back for my practice sessions and game, Jimmy V, was the funniest character of them all...the quietest, you could literally hear a pin drop, was John Thompson...he talked so softly and paused so much...the most confusing of all?...Tex Winter, I never could figure out his triple post offense...there were some, that had no clue as to what they did...true...they just recruited and got the hell out of the way...

The Hamas/Israel War...Prez B is calling for a temporary hold on it...really?...this will happen?...a ceasefire?...I dunno, kids...Israel is embedded into the do you stop firing?...

The trump fraud trial...kinda I don't get has already been determined...but, now the DOJ wants to know who did it?...there you go...Jr was yesterday and today...flippant ass...followed by duh, Eric...who some say will week is donny himself...and the final one, Ivanka, follows's not on the pixels, so dang...this is better than Judge Judy, Boss (and the Dude)...

Tommy example of stupidity at it's highest form...single candidly, holding back promotions in the military...a college football coach, who did not serve in the service, no kidding...thinks that the upper echelon is not worthy...who on earth voted for this clown?...he is so bad, I really think that other republicans will sidestep him and vote the proper way...

What's the chance that Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce get married?...(A) 0-25%...(B) 26-50%...(C) 51-75%...(D) 76-100%....what's your guess...the Horse has A!!!...

Finally, Head Coach Barney Fife, informed me last eve that we will probably get lambasted this weekend, as he has to rest his starters...he said their tummies hurt, from too much candy...damn that trick or treating...


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