A Facade

Wake up tallies from the states yesterday...right?
...as the people, even in the so called 'red states', want to express their opinion on abortion rights...showing even more...the lack of realism for the present SCOTUS...the Supreme Court...a mess of judges that have been destroyed by trump...one of his legacies he left behind...to haunt us...and he didn't leave much...behind...

He is a facade...claiming this and that...which he has no idea what he is talking about...nothing more than a shell...even his big mantra, MAGA...he stole from another...Prez Ronald Reagan...as Reagan ran for Prez back in 1980, along with Sr Bush...that was their motto...'Let's Make America Great Again'

...yup, and here are the buttons...trace back on Google and watch his speech...an orator...not like the present foo...

Realism...what more can you say for the state of Virginia...which elected Democrats to run BOTH sides of their Congress...a startling different outcome from what the polls had predicted...Kentucky (how red can you get?), elected a Demo Guv...and now, all you republicans...just have to be saying...we have the wrong guy heading our ticket...well, you have ample time to do some changing...as the Horse has said now for about a month...you will...and you will FIND, Nikki Haley...

One last thought about the voting...the republican stance on abortion...is driving the women of this fine country out to vote, even MORE!...last eve it was Ohio, Kentucky, and Virginia...state by state, I predict that a woman's right to choose...will WIN!...and I am 100% behind them...

The circus is back in town...in the trump fraud trial...as I have been asked to tell you all...the case is done...now, the proceedings are to determine the monetary amount...and on the docket today?...Ivanka...I hope for the teevee sakes, and well, all of us...that donny shows up too...make this a 3 ring one...

No football, No hoops...nuttin to watch on the pixels last eve...ah, I get it...people were voting...

This was baffling...my insurance pays for glasses...and I have 2 months to get a pair...I see that Target Optical is on the plan...naturally, I look online...pick a pair out...pair (?)...well, one...go into their store...and they don't have that frame...that online and in-house Target opticals are different...ah, what?...out I went...glass less...

The Lake Show...are, er, were claiming that in the last 2 minutes of the game with the Heat in question...they felt that LeBron James was fouled...and wanted the league to look into it...the league did, and just came back with the decision...all calls were correct, with NO missed calls...as trump would say, a 'perfect' 2 minutes...

So I am reading this...most all the Big 10 (14?) are claiming that teams are stealing their signs...football...well, change them, dudes...or are they so simple, that 'scouts' can figure them out?...this makes me laugh...recall the 'genius' coach of the WSU Cougs...Mike Leach...had a piece of scratch paper...and would signal like '1' or '2'...yet, nobody could figure his plays out...

Aaron Rodgers...says he is coming back in a 'few weeks'...after a torn achilles...right...wrong...it takes a year dude, and then...maybe...he did get stitched, right?...

What republican leader is going to go to trump and say 'we don't want you'....'you are killing us'...

Got a call from Snooki last nite...gonna need some rain pants...galoshes...geez, who picked this late in the season game out anyhow?...ah, me...

OK, I have to start packing...did I tell you, every single minute is accounted for while there in Oregon?...perhaps, 3 nites wasn't enough...

Rain pants?...


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