Why Gym Why

A change of plans...Gym Jordan reverses his plan...asks for the 3rd vote for Speaker of the House...why, Gym, why?...he went into a private meeting, and was told ‘we will NOT vote for you!’....yet, he asked for the vote...and is getting bashed yet again...he is, my good friends, a foo...a MAGA bloke who thinks trump won...egads...

Yes, we, too, have a change...back home we go...the kids stop was negated due to the sickly kid...so we shall touch down in Diego...and home...this afternoon...

A 6 hour Cosmo ride...derailed by the ugly LA 405 traffic...yesterday...culminated by 2 horrific bridge crossings....the guided part by Boss...TG, she can do that...

Did you see Prez B speech last eve?...even FOX said it was best one...ever...we were still on the road...or in the pool, recovering....the, trying to get TV...a major problem on the road...

Gym Jordan...can you imagine him 3rd in line to being our president?...scares me...BTW, what has he ever passed for the good of our country?...and where is trump, in support?...

Chesbro has his trial beginning today in Georgia....I keep thinking he was going to plead guilty...like Powell did...clang...

Andre Iguodala has retired in the NBA...making LeBron the oldest player in the league...amazing...he is as good, as Tom Brady was, in his ‘elder’ playing years...make that great...

The Horse is running with blinders on, when sprinting in the stocks race...

So we shall clean up Cosmo...then depart for home...and...

We have decided to sell our RV....we have done all we thought we would, with it....

If interested, give me a text....


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