The Hunt for Red October
You recall this flick?...The Hunt for Red October?...Tom was a chilling submarine 1990 I think, thereabouts...Sean Connery...the Horse had him as one of the best, Jerry, the best actors of that era...of course, he WAS James Bond...I am going back a bit, huh...
I am really referring to the HUNT for this killer in Maine...18 dead, and 13 injured...the officials did not say wounded...looks to me, as he had an escape plan...probably via a boat...and on his way to Canada...this is not the norm, for these most all of my sources, this is THE topic...the manhunt...
My bias, is obvious...there is no rational reason for the common man to own an assault rifle in the States...well, we sit through another diabolical session of Congress...misinformed, misguided people who sit in judgment of others...this is the lowest level of elected officials that we have had in about 70 years...yes, kids, we have sunk to a new depth...we all have a year to figure it out...then VOTE!... about the initial game for Dame in Milwaukee!...took right over in prime time, and showed the NBA World, what has been hidden in Portland for too long...39 points and a dozen in the latter part of the win...good for him, bad for PDX...and LeBron still has the Lake Show beat the Sun...already, resting one of their stars...Devin Booker...sore eye...
You all know one of my pet peeves in the NBA...the Beard...the guy who misses practice, comes to camp out of shape...and destroys team, the 76ers have 2 away games...and they banned the Beard from the plane...couldn't he missed too much practice...and then...the league wants to know why he wasn't suited up?...duh...
We just started season 7 of, it is a great show...that still fuddles did we miss it back when?...
Looking out my (our) back deck, I probably can see 1,000 homes...and I am wondering...when will I see the 1st Christmas Tree?....what you think, before Halloween?...
Talk about rumors from the tunnel...Caleb Williams, the Heisman winner last season...has been rumored to sit out the REST OF THE SEASON, cuz the Trojans have lost too many games already this way, he is a gamer...wonder who starts these?...besides that...we are seeing them in Eugene in 2 weeks...he better be there...
Games of games...the Ducks at big as it gets in the PAC whatever...and don't sleep on the Beavs in Arizona...this weekend...
The World Series starts tonight...who ya got?...the Horse says...drum roll please....the Texas Rangers...19-1...just kidding about the score...
What do you think about those driverless cars?...can't see neither can they...this is a very bad idea...who do you flip off?...that is, if you are so inclined to do such a dastardly act...
Let's just say you are a devout religious person...never swears and all that...and YOU get cut off in traffic...and YOU get mad...what do YOU do? YOU lose it?...finger flying?...swearing?...
Reminds me of the time, I was playing golf with a doctor...who would NEVER swear or raise his calm, cool, and collected...that made the Horse look like a heathen....yet, he was bunkered, right by the know, in the sand...with his shot...then whomp...still in the sand...smack...still in the sand...then whack, the ball goes 50 yards over the green...'G Damnit...that m f_____er'...and then, came the club...whirlygigging over the green....I didn't know whether to laugh or what...I turned away and smirked...on the next tee, he sheepishly came up to the group...and do know me, I told him that it was unacceptable...that I would never do such a thing...
Speaking of golf...I am going out this am...the cold and cough is controlled...and besides...I need to get out...stir crazy...
You iPhone 15 people...what is your review of the new one?...
I'll see you in the morning...