The Afternoon Edition

Good afternoon...finally back from the links...and it was a the Horse took a tumble
...NOT in a good way...caromed off a curb and smashed the knee...and I lay there, looking up at the sky...knowing I hurt...but not knowing sunk was the knee...and soon after had a big ball there, to the left of the kneecap...really lucky, I ice baby...then and when I got home...Alleve...and there you go...

My playing partners were full of help, as all golfers are...the butt of jokes coming out...the best? oh so caring lad from El Cajon, "never thought that on Native American Day, we would have an issue with Wounded Knee..." mercy...none...whatsoever...he also said that "shouldn't we have a skins game today, too?"...mercy me...

BTW, how many have heard that sooooo many people have Indian blood in them?...yes, I am part Cherokee...lord...that kind of they are as white as a, sheeet...

The is dramatic as hell...and I have so many terrible thoughts toward the aggressor in this the method of attack was on INNOCENT a rock concert...if you must stage a combat it against other armies...we MUST support Israel...and we are...I am waiting for some congressional to say otherwise...and put my full siege of words on that person...

Breaking...a foo on a Ferris wheel in LaLa Land...saying he has a bomb on him...we do have problems, don't we...Santa Monica...

Did watch much football this weekend...the NFL via the Red Zone...the ONLY way to watch all the games...SF and Philly are the leaders in the league thus far...right?...

My FF team had a terrific upset win...dogs by 30 and we were spot on...HC Barney Fife was seen late last nite...obviously delirious...perhaps, wired...or drunk...something like we won by 37!!!...


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