
The trip we are in Monterey...these Cali coastal towns are gorgeous...must say, they do have similarities...awesome bays...numerous sea craft docked...funky seafood restaurants...all sporting world famous, er, ‘the best’, 5 star, winner...clam’s true...we are lucky to have the size of Cosmo to park...anywhere...

You may wonder...we do get 15.5’s a Ram...not diesel...regular petrol...2 beds...potty and shower...fridge, 2 burner cooktop, stove and microwave....AC...television...sound system on the roof...micro antenna...perfect or two...and the numbers of these rigs...have multiplied on the road, exponentially...class B’ can spend as much as you want, to upgrade...many have...

This is our 5th site...and, well, at a fairgrounds....we are DIRECTLY in the flight path...oh my...thing is, there are very few RV places in this city...not only that, but bordering a golf course...hmmm, we are gonna travel today, so...

Prez B is to be in Israel that smart to announce that?...

The Hamas has many underground Gaza...remind you of anything, you people of the late 60’s?...right...

Cousin Larry had his 70th, I thought he was my age...does he dye his mop?...I jest, he is a bueno amigo...

Have said this before, but Bryce Harper is the most dangerous hitter in the game, now...

Gym Jordan’s vote for speaker of the house is way...something’s got to give, House...

My FF team did win, even tho my QB had an off game...Herbert...there is this clown in the Trib that STILL grades the departed Chargers...after each game...he gave Justin an ‘F’...give it a rest, dude...BTW, HC Barney Fife, was indeed seen in Vegas, sporting a cigar...

And on we go...forward Ho!....


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