The letters, we USED TO WRITE...we struggled with how to end them...regardless of what it was about...'yours truly'...this was often used...truly, though?...we're you really?...why isn't that truely? was an expected the Martha Stewart 'rules of courteous behavior' she ended up in the slammer...Martha? of the more elderly peops in our building...ah, here at the home...still calls the Boss (Marsha), Martha...I digress...and what's with the opening, 'Dear'...are you really meaning, Dear?...why not Hey...or just 'To'...makes more sense to moi...back to the end...'Love'...what the heck? parents never said they loved me...can't imagine them using it in a letter...and what if you love somebody now, and all falls apart...and no longer love them...geez, they have it in writing...ah, yes, to borrow from the McGuire Sisters...'Sincerely' don't even know who they were, do you...but really, are we truly sincere?...probably not...but, Martha says it is the thang to, don't get me started on 'our thoughts and prayers'...
The Detroit Lions are for real, kids...went in to KC and beat the reigning champs...they play great D...have a solid O...and are a force this season...good enough to win it all?...the Mighty Carnac takes the 5th on this...too FF team?...a healthy 34.5 points after the game...better than mediocre, Yahoo...
The opening paragraph, got me to think even more...when we, you, or, anyone...sends texts, it is not the same...the emotion is gone...the passion...ah ha...ha ha...the hackers delight, is if it is...when you, we, or anyone, send a letter, nobody but the recipient gets to see what's in the bloody thing...bloody?...hey, why would anyone hack in to your system, anyway?...unless YOU are famous...
The polls are out and are rampant...have you ever been polled? poll of least I have a quorum...say that it is too early to tell anything...and this poll, also thinks, that both the elder frontrunners, will not be the candy men (women?) in '24...I guess that is more of the Carnac thang...
Hey you Fisher kids, do you promise us great weather? we need rain coats?...that storm out in the Atlantic, it's not coming your way, is it?...
The Friars are in Houston , Texas...egads, we probably need the hard hats on the all the time...for the pending bombardment...imminent...yours truly, Horse...
JCC on this version of Big Brother...why?...just the group has no one, or, no group that intrigues this blogger...a first...too many oddballs...not sure what that says about me...
Hoops...the unthinkable ...USA got beat by Germany and are eliminated from the World Cup...well, when we have 2nd liners equates the US with the, after all, thinkable...
In the next month, we shall see just how strong our judicial system in the USA really it about the law or is it about politics?...this is the referendum...and, I have questions about the way it will turn out...I have a, maybe I think I know...
This I do know for sure...every prosecuting attorney would sprint to the court room, to interrogate trump...and that every single donny lawyer, would NEVER put the bloke on the stand...he can't talk without lying...there would be one way trip to the slammer... is my last Carnac thought for the the courts turn on the Donald...and he gets closer and closer to the decisions...against him...he is going to get on his big trump jet...and fly away to Moscow...for his safe passage out of the USA...
The Horse...