Might There Be a Pattern?
In the ongoing trials of the attempted Coup...one of the leaders of the so called 'Proud Boys'. got a real hefty sentence...the longest thus far...22 years in prison!....the judicial system is having none of this...and is locking up those who planned, and carried out the most disgraceful act on the government...from within...which makes me wonder...and should make trump wonder...what is in it for him?...figure he will throw everyone under the bus, so to speak...before he gets what is awaiting...might there be a pattern?...
In the Georgia case alone...all 19 who have been indicted...plead 'not guilty'...interesting...as their defense, so it is being said...was 'I was just following orders'...from whom?...the major players are listed...thus, they were doing what the donald asked of them...implicating trump in the most direct way...listen, and the more he talks at his revivals, and on his fledgling 'truth social', he is just incriminating himself...more and more...and more...
Somehow, after the latest mini-trip...I caught a cold...dang it all...misery in the summer...who knows how...gots to get it outta my system before the Maine trip...
The NFL kicks off Thursday...and yes, the Horse got a FF team...the write up about it, listed me as mediocre in the draft...a C-...at least I didn't flunk...predicted a 6-9 record...oh well, got my QB...4th round...Herbert...this is my rule...don't touch the lineup for 3 weeks...no idea who are the owners of the other 9 teams...probably all 10 year olds...gonna kick their arses, anyway...
28-2...is the record of Nick Sabin vs his old assistants...the Tide Coach has had numerous offspring go out and try their hand at the game...some successfully, just not against him...
Jr had a dinger on his 'Bobble Head Nite'...an 8-0 win vs them Phillies...again, this team is playing much better, once the heat was off...
I know...I know...but the 2 PAC deserves something...OSU and WSU...what is going to happen?...these are quality schools...
A sign of the times...I increased the text size on my Mac...man, it is so much easier to see and...type, or whatever one does to the keyboard...
Let's just say, the Horse has no idea why the 'Burning Man' has so much appeal...is it a rock festival?...who is there?...er, was?...I asked Cosmo if he wanted to go next year to it...and his answer was emphatic, 'NOOOO!'...
Gotta believe the downfall of trump, will be Mark Meadows...clang!...in court...
This week is golf free...so I am not going to work...as the races take up Friday...
For youse, definitely NOT on the right...you must check out the posts by Keith Olbermann...found on X...he does not mess around...gets right to it, er left to it...and you forevers, if you ever check out any news or posts, other than FOX or Truth Social, don't go to this site...or, maybe you should...I give it a 5 star...*****...
Coach Prime...tone it down dude...you have lots of games to go...1 game does not make a season...and I happened on to a pre pre game show...of the Friars...and these 3 blokes were radio experts...of sports...and came up with the brilliant idea...that SD should hire Coach Pride as the manager...oh my...and there are people who listen to this?...the Horse did once, and that is it...egads...
It's been a while but I have not thrown at you some music to groove to...how about to all of the ladies out in the Horse land...'Hey Good Lookin'...by the infamous Jimmy Buffett...