Democracy Teetering?

As you all know, I am bewildered by the support for 'his base'...'his supporters' he has skipped through the legal system that we have in place
...well, since the inception of the country...then, I dug he has shown admiring eyes for the leaders of Russia and North they run their countries...hmmm...really...then it hit reality, in my eyes...too...he wants to be a supreme the cost of changing our government...does this mean that OUR democracy is teetering?...

Yes, it does...think about what has his presidential term...he boasted that he knew better than all the 'experts' in their fields...the scariest one, was that he said that about our generals...the military that we have...the best in the world...right...he lambasted our diplomats...and this...what person that was in the Oval Office, either quit or got fired by trump?...they all left...yet, somehow, there were millions of Americans that supported him in the past election....

He orchestrated a coup attempt...tried to get votes key states...even, tried to get his VP Pence, to go against the constitution and call the race for him...had his people form alternative delegate to the electoral college...who does this?...trump...was found to be a FRAUD in the estimation of his structure's worth....the list goes on and on...who refuses to debate with all the other republicans?...he does...laughing at those who are...

His idea is to win the election and then PARDON himself, and all his pawns that have been incarcerated...and then go after EVERYONE who opposed essence, change the way we are intimidation...this is what you want?...

I am not condemning the way...we need balance to this government...for is not perfect...never has been...but, it is the best in the world...we do not need dictatorship...which may be the way of this guy...trump...

For ALL of you...I want you to think long and hard...about what your vote means...and how you see our democracy going, or close attention to the mountain of court cases upcoming...

YOU will see the proper path...EVERY American will see it, too....start now...


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