Not a church, but THE church...where Boss and I were married, just 20 days less than 49 years ago...St Joseph’s...Catholic one in Salem, Oregon...arson, it is being reported...built in ‘53...a real staple to the community...ever since then...BURNED...why would someone do that?...unfathomable...as we watch the society that we grew up in...get turned upside down, again and again...
The train ride here to Montecito is a no brainer...sit back and let the pressure of driving, melt away...took about 6 hours...but worth every penny...with the cost of petrol, it may even be cheaper!...
The kids keep growing...duh...the baby Cas, finally seems to recognize us...as I am writing, I can here him coo and talk in his crib...he does seem so happy...the older one, Cy, is smitten with Boss...really is cool to see the interaction...the Horse is a bit later...
Did see that Utah beat Florida...man, them Utes just reload...I always underestimate them...football...and this is imminent...Stanford, Cal, and SMU to the ACC...leaving WSU and OSU in the 2 PAC...just an awful dismantling of the west...$ talks way too much...
Any reference to the Friars, is now discontinued until next spring...have hit rock bottom and the booing is heard all the way up here...
Another Proud Boy...sentenced for the Jan 6 attempted Coup...17 years in prison!...wonder if trump is getting the message?...the judicial system is coming down hard...
Tomorrow we go on a fact finding mission...properties lined up...just seems like a long shot...a lot of moving parts have to sync perfectly...I dunno...but we change like the wind on a golf course...
Golf today...with make shift clubs...on a terrific course...with dudes who hit 80 yards past me...no golf shoes...tennies...and, I had a horrible nite...