
What was to be a journey to solidify a stay in Diego...turned itself around...go figure...Hi, kids...I am back...must say, the Amtrak ride was simply awesome...6 hours, which is very similar if I drove...this, I don't...sit back and enjoy the, listen to, quite the life...

To the some future times...we shall sell and move...whatever is the right sell...then, either buy or rent...until what we want becomes available...the timeline?...not sure, it will take a talk to the realtors...first...when it is most advantageous for us...where we want to go, there is nothing right now...there was, but it got swallowed up right most of the positive units do, in that and demand...

The family is where we should all know that...the kids kids are so young and need us, as we need them...thus, all my amigos in Diego understand...I think...there will be quite the transition, but that is to be expected, right?...both of us have is what is meant to be...moving closer...

So, the rest of the world?...taken 2nd seat to what we have been going, I will take it on...I have seen that the republicans are throwing their hard earned cash still...I do mean still...towards their guy trump...egads...not sure who has less in their noggins...the ones who give money or the one taking elephants do know...he has spent over $40 million of what you have PAY FOR HIS LAWYERS!...right?...c'mon...maybe that's what you this not similar to the $ going to Jim and Tammy Faye Baker, back when?...well, not really...but it is thrown away dinero...Pay for Pray, in that case...Pray for a Stay in the present tense...I digress...

It bewilders me, that so many people refuse to believe that trump is as bad as he is...what can possibly be the reason?...what is in it for them?...reality here, kids....the promises that candidates make, each and every general election cycle, are almost always the same...less taxes, stronger government, less waste, tax the rich (Demos), no more free rides (Repubs), keep our borders stronger...blah blah blah...rarely, is anything actually done...Obamacare, has been the latest...racial equality 50 years me here...what else?...

We are a divided nation for sure...the racial overtones, not undertones anymore, are more evident than since the 1950's...the color of our skin has more bearing than it should...the passage of power is more than just that, but a religious sect of belief...perhaps, more of a cult belief...the increasing LACK OF KNOWLEDGE is a massive strain on our country...people read more...too many of us, know a  little about a lot, but very little in detail about any one thing...witness, the death of the daily newspaper...when was the last time you read the New York Times?...incredible amount of quality more thing...the attention span of way too gone, well, of course...

So how do we correct this?...the query of the 2020 decade...this political spectacle is beyond compare in the past the USA...where lies and denials, have superseded truth...and more than anything else...COMMON SENSE!...the trump theory of say something 3 times...repeat it, and it becomes a TRUTH to some, and now, many...who can watch over the falsehoods that are shattering the minds of way too many? is said to be the judicial system...

Let's go another about if he gets elected again...he has promised to fire all those who have battled him...any part of the government...pardon those who were part of his Coup...put in MORE judges that are subservient to him...NATO, as we know it for the USA, will be gone...there would be a Congress so intimidated that he would get whatever he wanted...this, my good friends, is as close to a dictatorship the country will ever be...think hard about that...

In the mean time...the courts, as they are, will deal with him...the 3rd and 4th indictments will HAPPEN...he will sit in the halls of justice...he will be tried...and he also, will run his presidential campaign...knowing his ONLY OUT, is if he wins the presidency...and he can PARDON himself...if found GUILTY!...

BUT, I have faith in the masses...I really do...the majority of the Americans will not let him may be chaotic, as the states that have the hammer in the Electoral College...have to vote the proper way...disregarding the shenanigans he may try to pull off...and THEN, see where this all shakes out...what will happen to trump...and we FINALLY get back to the normality of our government...working the way it should...

Enough for now...

The inept Friars in overtime games...lost again...o fer 12?...something like the lower than us, truly was a shit show from the onset...rain delay for a couple of hours...a strike zone by the home plate umpire, that was obvious he wanted outta there...everything was a know, when you have lost this many extra innings games, the point of the finger has to go, we may see some trades...

Nil-Nil...such is the game of the Gals team advanced to the sweet 16...winning one game and tying frustrating...the game you can play so long and never score a goal?...well, they didn't the offensive coach...ha ha...

Here in Diego...the storm of getting the homeless off the streets of the city...has begun...the sites have been set we await to see...if this really happens...and makes this city a safe one...that anyone can go downtown, and not worry about getting harassed and or hit...or...whatever else...hip hip!...we shall see...

One thing I know about 'changing coaches'...all levels...'the one who left was probably a bum...the new one is probably a gifted one'...all coaches start that way...and that new coach...will soon be a bum in a few years, thing you don't do, is come in and tell the public that the last coach was indeed, a bum...and that's exactly what the new NFL Denver Bronco's coach did, Sean Payton...shut up dude, your time is coming, too...I'll start it right now, 'you're a bum!'...

So, as I was sifting thru the ads, on one of them social thangers...Facebook or Instagram...came upon this handy NECESSARY gadget...I mean, they all are...these's something you carry on your shoulder like a handbag, manbag, or LBGQT bag...whatever...and when you get to a spot on the are tired, and need a folds right down into a stool, to plunk your arse down made me smile...


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