And Now, the Threats

It does not get any lower, than the trump they do the unfathomable
...hmmm, probably not so...resorting to do all they can BEFORE going to's like a made for TV show...threats to the judges...releasing the names, pictures, and ADDRESSES of the Georgia Grand their ultra right wing amigos...with the idea of...more's truly a sad day for these people...this idea of white supremacy, is gone the wording of many others, 'have you no decency?' all plays out on real time...right now...

As I have said before, trump will throw whomever he can in front of take the fall...the one 'lawyer' Rudy Guliani...who was a candid, and loyal mouth for trump in the past years...begged for $, to pay for his defense...went to Mara-Lago, and got nuttin from donny...all you trump gang members...the word is out...YOU will be next, and if you think you are not a pawn for are a bigger foo, than might be suggested...

The latest poll...the AP NORC Centre for Public that 64% of Americans will NOT VOTE for trump for the '24 election...if you believe polls...does that mean 36% will? there that many forevers?...maybe...ANYWAY, this is a long process...oh yes, by the way...guess what?...Arizona is next in line for yet another indictment of trump...very similar to Georgia's...ah, number 5 coming up...the debate set for the 28th, will probably be without trump...he will refuse to show...and will be all about him...defend yourself dude, but he can't...and won't...the Horse sees a strengthening of Chris Christie...mark this down, 8/17/23...the tide is turning...

Moving on...

Does it happen much?...the stealing of home?...Fernando Tatis, Jr...did it last a very important play of the the Friars won the series vs the comes the DBacks, for a set that makes or breaks the Pads...can't tell you, how many times I have given up on us, and then...we have hope...this next 7 games, at home, as big as it gets for our team...

111 dead, and over 1,000 still missing...Lahaina...the security chief, tried to defend the non-use of the 80 sirens...give me a break...incompetence...I'm sure there is more to the story, but it won't bring back all the do realize, that there are smolderings still going on, all over the island...hoping that there is no wind coming their way...

As of January 1st, 2022...there were 1,327,010 lawyers in the USA....with 28 types...the top 4 states, are NY, Cali, Texas, and DeSantis's Florida (DF)...New Jersey is number, yes, donny, has lots of options left...there are 202, 536 dentists in the USA...there are 1,900,000 secondary teachers in the USA...there are 189,862 college professors in the USA...there are 1,077,115 physicians in the USA...OK, as you can see, where the $ is...and how lopsided we are with the attorneys...

Hmmm, Monday came and went...and nowhere to be found was 'irrefutable evidence' that trump was going to produce to the USA...ah, right, more hot air from orange...tic toc, tic toc...

The term...'busted the internet'...does anyone really bust it?...donny can't...KK can't...LeBron can't....this is an unjust term...'buzzed the internet' would be better...

The cool, cool a pix of the Hearst Castle pool...

School has started?...wait a minute, buster...I can recall that it did right after Labor Day...the last day of the horse final hours of peace and, they start up in August...well, they do in south SoCal...doesn't feel right...

Speaking of that...the Horse is going to the races today out at and admission, free program, and free seat...the parking costs...the Racing Form, does too...yes, it is a bettor's's about time, I hit the Pick 5 (again!)...


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