Thursday Talking Points
Greetings, my good friends...yes, it is still gloomy here in Diego...where might the sun be?...we have been adorned with non-stop cloudy weather for nearly 6 rain, mind you, just a covering of them bloody billowy puffs of something...Ms Weatherperson, change your forecast, please...BTW, how many weather forecasters, whatever they are called, are men on the pixels?...mostly women, now...right?...not complaining, just observing...
Time for some scuttlebutt on trump?...Washington Post is offering an article that says that donny refused the advice of his then lawyer team, to RETURN THE he thought he guessed it...above the law...he was the former Prez and he could do as he pleased...ah, think again, dude...and the lawyers then?...they be gone...paid?...right...BTW, Georgia is indict trump...real soon...election tampering, I am hearing...duh...gosh, he must have a thick skin to go on acting as the judicial world is closing in on him...MAGA...Must Avoid Government Attorneys...
How about them Friars...a convincing 5-0 shut out of them Cleveland whoevers...Jr, was the star this time...a HR, 2 doubles, 2 stolen bases, including 3rd...and a bodacious put out of a dude at 1st, from his RF position...Wacha, yet again, terrific and now has 7 weather and Weathers on the mound...the Horse cringes on this...but, whatever...yo, the peops who went to last eve's game, got a wowser Padre Hawaiian Shirt...ugly, oh my, a real ugly one...
So you are shopping at the super...and you read 'Grass fed' and then, 'free-range'...somehow, your brain clicks into 'this must be good'...what? it? about 'organic'...OK, cost more, but you was grown with no chemicals, I reckon...then by what?...fertilizer? that better?...'Choice'...who's choice?...then, you read that Kroger just bought out Vons, Safeway...and they own Ralph's...wait a minute, there goes the competitive pricing...egads, we are in a, the Horse has his own solution...we are settling on a little more, but good gosh, the prices are SO MUCH BETTER!...
By now, you know that I lurve Mac and cheese...along with Brats and a green salad...a near divine meal...well, Boss made her version of it...and it was an absolutely scrumptious delight...butter infused bread crumbs layered over it all...I succumb to her abilities...
Now that the NBA is over...this is the time, that teams start the 'what if' process...trades...roster cuts...most of them have already changed is a shocker for all you PNW fans...well, you Trailblazer ones...your pride and joy, Dame...will be gone...just hope he doesn't land in fear, too...
Back here at the home, we are reintroducing happy local, the masses of Pinnacleites, walk in single file to the establishment for some goodies and vino...then, stagger on back and call it a nite at 8...sound fun? know, we need shirts...ah, some blouses, too...that identify us...we need a committee to look into this...BJ, I NOMINATE YOU!...on her committee, just has to be Judy and Anna Kanna...right? blokes, just, have no idea what's cool looking...
One more amusing least to moi, and not the 'forevers' in that Cuban restaurant...trump ordered 'food for everyone'...then dine, just dash...well, OK, he has no money, kids...
And THAT'S the way it is, June 15, Diego...