The Power of the Pen
We are beyond that...The Power of the Pen...perhaps, it should be the power of the print...NO! is more the Power of the Negative...due to the ever present computer and it's easy to publish MOST ANYTHING, there is no defense for media...think about the fact that a guy running and then, RUNNING our country...was imbedded in LIES!...where is the truth?...who fact checks?...and even if, what is the penalty?...thing is, anyone can say anything...through the air waves...egads...
The local newspaper, the Trib...had a very ornery post by one of their sports guys...ripping apart the new Friars...calling them what he thinks they are, underperforming...we all talk about that...but, have not put it into print...he did...and it got me going as to what can and will be written...soon after, the team played even worse than they have lately...did they read it?...some times, that will fire a team up...maybe they didn't read it...who's just an opinion...right?...
'Say anything three times, and it becomes a truth' of trump's he works not only the social media lines, but his revivals...keep blabbing lies...'they' will buy into it...and, sure enough, many of 'his' people believe ANYTHING he writes or says...yikes...
It is the fact check thing...nobody does anything about it...which has some tangency to the NCAA...who USED to govern the colleges and universities...the schools are rampant with irregularities and CHEATERS...keep on and don't look's worse in politics...much worse...
So, we have the court system...the final straw?...we just witnessed one case on trump...fined a mint...and what gives on this?...delays...more false statements by him, about the winner of the case, and the judge who deliberated...?...who DOES this?...trump...apparently, he figures he can say and do there a penalty?...take him back to court, people...
Which is leading me to a very intimidating republican field of candidates for the next presidential does one debate, with someone who is built on lies?...the more accurate ones, have less credence in the party...did I say that right? is that possible?...last nite, Nikki Haley, had a town hall...she was seemingly spot on for the REAL republican issues...enough to pull the forevers?...tomorrow, the true debater, Chris Christie, enters the race...another who can whup donny face to face...I doubt that trump thinks that, but his cronies do...he can't possibly go up against a dude or lady who can tell the truth, and not quiver...make him give facts for his 'statements'...
Here we go...and it makes NO DIFFERENCE what is written or said about him...he calls them 'lies' and 'fake news'...if they are different than what he blabs out...when fact checked, do the people REALLY believe him?...30% of the republicans do, whatever he says...downright scary, kids...
OK, I ventured away from my main topic...but, it all wraps around the commentary...there is less and less...truth in what is written...and said...due to his rise in fame...there are those, like me...who still do...speak the truth...and as one I see it...
Do not give up...the good will overcome the bad...I am sure of it...we must keep fighting to preserve what we have...