Back from Vacay

To say that the Vacay was far out, is a truth...we had a fab time and now it's back to work
...oops, we don't work...we are back home...better...from 90's to 60's...bah humbug...they call it June gloom in these parts...May gray, too...and this year, the bitter truth...only Alaska had more cloudy gray skies than all of May, in the great US of A...Diego be darkish...not rain, mind you...just clouds...

This desert land of Cali, in this time of the pretty damn during the day, and coolish at nite...of course, it does turn very hot all the time...soon....but, not right now...and there were gobs of people enjoying just like us...rad...oh yea, we did go to a few 2nd hand some vinyls to add to me awesome one...a 4 disc set of all of Nat King I have told you before...when you play the vinyls, everything slows down...we need more of that...

Did no time watch and sports while on Vacay...did read about 'em...and dang it all, da Cubbies won over us...with a pitcher that had been struggling...shoot, we are too...they win...they won it on a extreme blunder by our new catcher, not covering home...ah, the article tried to allude to practice limitations...oh c'mon, all catchers know what to do, starting in Little League...another chance tonight...

Seems to me, that there are more hockey teams than baseball teams anymore...and more soccer teams than football teams...are we in transition?...

Please Mr and Mrs have to have better candidates than trump and (DF) DeSantis...well, and Ms too...these guys are brutal...put them in an octagon, and let them hammer it out...this I would watch...I digress...

My massage...the lady said I am tight all over...well, that was supposed to be a complaint, and not a neck, my gawd, my neck...she said my neck was extremely duh, lady...fix it!...I coulda told ya fact, I did!..."you need to stretch it"...oh much am I paying you?...

The money halt for the Nation was averted...again...we do this every 6 years or so...about the only thing, we eventually agree upon in Congress...can't we agree on jailing donny, too?...wait, they can't do that...hmmm, let's agree on it anyway...have you ever seen the flick 'O Brother Where Art Thou'....where the politician is tarred and rode out on a pole...this is what I'd lurve seen happen to your guy, trump...wheeeeeee!...

Whatever really happened to Jimmy Hoffa?...

For what it is worth...everyone was drinking Bud Light at the pool where we were staying...half price...the beer, not the hotel...a beer is a beer is a beer...we all laughed...

300 die in a train wreck in India...egads, now they have a real problem on the rails...too many people, in a small area...

Just saw this...that Native Americans are NOT applying to dental schools...well, tell that to son fact, I believe when he was in, there was another Shepard (girl from Oklahoma) in it, too...I THINK they were the only ones at that, the headline may be trueish...

We are back, and will be for a while...


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