The Butler Did It

As we moseyed on home from the desert...we had enough time to bathe and just relax, prior to the Final 4 game
...pitting the SDSU Aztecs and the Florida Atl was a beauty...STILL, the Aztecs have yet to play an awesome 4 quarters...and yet, WIN! absolute nail FAU dominated most of the time...until the FINAL shot, as time ran out...SDSU's Butler was the shook our building and the city...kid u was so unexpected that it brought that deafening noise to the city (town?)...

In all my years of coaching, I 99% of the time would have called timeout in those waning seconds...usually had a special play to use...Aztec Coach Dutcher, let them play on...he said 'I ran out of plays, so...'...

You 'Clue' people...I stole my headline from my golfing bud, Gary L...'The Butler Did It!' the game room, with a round on they the FINAL GAME...versus the lead team, University of Connecticut...UConn...get this, more renown for the gals''s a Monday niter, kids...perhaps, the Aztecs will have that perfect game...

Not to be outdone...the Friars coupled the above with a victory of their own...8 tallies will do it...and finally in the win column...159 games to go...

Have been hesitant to mention much of trump lately...even the most staunch repubs have little remorse for the bloke...yet, the numbers that support him, via the polls (?) say otherwise...when queried, the answer is usually, but what about Prez Biden?...not what I asked you...I know how you feel about Joe, but what about donny?...

The side show shall be a shining moment for the orange...arrival in court...will he or won't he be finger printed and his mug taken?...with or without fans?...the whirly ones...who will be in his entourage?...might Mark Meadows and Rudy Guliani appear with him?...doubt it, as they want to stay as far away from a court room they his 'think tank' this past weekend at MaraLago...I'm sure he has some form of a grandiose plan...what u think, in the neighborhood of 250 news people there?...

Devastating weather patterns in the south...over 28 people have died due to the, if you don't have a shelter room in your house, you are toast...not a fan of the thunder and lightning...pretty on the pixels, but live? way...

Do you use your 'wallet' on your smart phone?...finally did it, well, did so once before...can't recall that I did...but, it was there in the history...a real cool addition to the others have the same?...

Before I leave trump...he has at least 3 other probable cases coming his's only just begun...'The Carpenters'...

We had such a great time in the desert, thanks so much to our hosts, them Gahrs...even with my bum neck, it was a hoot...hhhhoooooottttt...sorry, you Owl fans...blame the refs...

Listen all you hoop fans...the gals have their champ game today at noonish...LSU vs Iowa...yup, it will be a great show...all I can say, is that Caitlyn may be the difference in the matchup...of course, I know nuttin...

Final game with the Rockies at 1 today...Lugo going for us, and Goober going for them...wait, I read that is bad...


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