No Fanfare

Well how do you like that?...trump is back in NY for another court session
...and this time, NO FANFARE! vid of his Airplane motorcade viewing by a helicopter...ah, like it's getting old business, donny...did you know he actually said that when he was last in the Manhattan case,  that people were CRYING as he was led into court...workers, police,  security, FBI, attorneys, bailiffs, the judge...nobody was crying, dude...NOBODY...and trump, might as well stay there for a bit, to face off the rape case against you...soon...Love New York...

American know my (our) passion for the show...but, the judges, Luke, Katy, and Lionel, were hearing things we didn't...apparently...putting some in the top 24, and dropping others out...I would say at least 6 were different than what we thought...perhaps, personality and personal tragedies wages in on the selection by them...of course, once the whole thing gets to the public, who they NEVER give the actual voting numbers...'trust us'...I will say the Hawaii kid brought tears to the Horse's eyes...

NBA play in playoffs...OK, kind of the #9 and #10 squared off for the rights to play on...and both 10’s won...interesting...on the much for home court least this time...

The Friars lost the rubber match to the Mets...ah, Blake Smell pitched...a doubting daughter of many around these parts...not a lot of confidence in his chucking...but then, we only scored a couple...too...blame could go all around...alas, back at home for 7...I think...debating about attending...the weather must be warmer...

Horse did break Doc's orders...and did golf...shame on me...after 5, I was even...and thinking here we go...bad chip...bogey...2 outta of the sand...DB...back to reality, kids...and kinda hacked the rest of the way...BUT, no shanks!...minor victory...

Consumer Index is down the Government says...ah ha, but they do say, that cereal is the Horse Poll clearly shows that...why?...

When we go for a is still in our minds...Sammi is gone...7 months now...17 years of life...for her and us...of course, we think...maybe time for a new pet...geez, it may outlast us...egads, that's a morbid way of thinking...

CNN had an interview with the Demo Governor of Kentucky...he lost one of his best friends to the killer in the bank...yet, he couldn't pull himself to say, the AR-15's should be banned....listen is my plan...1.  Immediately ban the sale of the AR-15's. 2.  A Government subsidy of $500 to every person who turns theirs in (they can be bought NEW, for $700)...3.  One month grace period...then a fine of $50,000 and or 1 year in prison...if still in possession...

Our son sent a vid of their 2 kids last eve...and showing the older Cy, jumping in front of Cas...and Cas was belly laughing at what, 8 months old?!, it is so cute...more tears...

The WNBA Draft was a few days ago...and wowser...3 of the first 10 chosen were from South Carolina! did they not win the championship?...instead of the dreadful LSU...coaching?...

I think one of the GREAT things about going to a baseball game...ah, calling out 'Hey, Beer Man!'...and then they pour a cold one into a cup for you, me, or they still do that?...


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