Yup, we took the trip to the super yesterday...OK, no big deal, right?...wait a minute WAS a big deal...the prices have taken a jump...the bad way...UP!...I noticed a couple of weeks ago, when we were perusing the 'chips' aisle...$5.79 for a bag?...'normal' size...what?...the latest is the cereal...boxes going for $6-$8 BUCKS!...are you crazy? have got to be kidding me...which makes me wonder what the pricing is for the larger boxes at Costco...which I will check out next time, this wasn't subtle either...not like a dime more or so...c'mon Kelloggs...
The one and almost done NBA playins started last eve...the Hawks upset the Heat...and the Lake Show had a much more difficult time beating the OT...who were those Wuvs anyhow?...oh well, I do like the one game thinger...
The Friars got game 2 in NY...after losing the first...this is a very defiant squad...history has us losing on the road, and especially on the east coast...8 days until Jr returns...BTW, the game today is at 10:10 our time...
On a very hot spot...the Tennessee Repub Governor, has urged his Legislature to pass additional gun control measures...wonder what they might be? about restricting AR-15's?...
Just read that the Consumers Index rose moderately this past month...what?...we have a dispute over the word 'moderate'...
Don't call me a hypocrite...or, whatever...but, after being with the Boss for some straight...well, let's just say in the same home...for a number of days...she couldn't take it anymore...and SHE suggested that I go golfing...bad neck or, I relented...and gave her, her wish...disobeying the Doc's orders...well, suggestion...and I am hitting the links this morning...