Your Heritage

I am always amazed at how many people don't know how they got here, and now
...who made them...not just your parents, silly...but back, way back...digging up YOUR roots...for such a long time, I had no idea of both my mom and dad would not talk about was their way of living...didn't say much about it, if at all...Boss Lady took it upon herself to do the digging...and she has a massive amount of history on her and my side...hers, is German roots, and mine, of course, Native American...she has made a book of it, and it is a monster...some day, some one, will cherish it...

My point is that too many of us, don't seek it out...the Heritage...PBS has a show of just that...where some 'stars' get their roots...most, are shocked...I think the Mormon Church has a site that does this function, too...I demand that you do it, if you haven't already...if not for you, but your family...your kids...your siblings...please please please...and let me know what you found...

Man, I heard this mindless drivel and I wanted to punch something...trump, in his own way of deflection...said that 'in a subtle way, Mike Pence, caused the Coup'...'if he would have just declared the Electoral College votes wrong, the attack wouldn't have happened'...not exact wording, but the meaning was the same...yea, the combatants would have gone euphoric...and some of you still want him to be your president...

We are watching an awesome show on the pixels...'Alaskan Daily'...please start at the is outstanding...and has lots of powerful dialogue in it...a couple of episodes into it, and you will see why we like it so...

'Mom, I followed your advice and broke up with Machine Gun...and am now dating Bad Bunny'...

A golf putt, not be me, from yesterday's round...but triggered my memory...perhaps, yours...a dude putted and it was not going in, and he stopped it, as it was still rolling...took a 'bogey' and ran on...wait, didn't Lefty do that IN A TOURNEY?...and wasn't me, it should be an immediate DQ...what say you armchair golf refs?...

Staying in golf...there is a movement to the manufacturers of the golf decrease their distance by 20 essence, the restricted flight ball...shoot, I have been using them for at least 5 years...hey, the easiest way, to stop the mile long go back to REAL woods...

The foo Tucker Carlson...seems to have backed off on his Coup apologies...just quit airing 'em...

Hey, dogs, this coffee is terrific!...worth the hassle...fresh roasted beans, freshly ground...and voila!...

The woman in the veil at the Oscars...that shielded many from seeing the show...there were actually people on the web net, that SUPPORTED her!...get a life...

And believe this or not, the calm before yet ANOTHER RAIN EVENT here in south SoCal...


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