Unlike No Other

Mother Nature has put before us, days of uncommon weather patterns down here in SoCal...er, south SoCal
...Unlike No Other year that we have been residents...like 17 of them, I think...cold, rain, wind, and the iterate continues on...this is NOT what we came to San Diego for...still, we sequester ourselves, this time in the Condo at the Home...cough cough, but not 3 coughs...as we try to let the sickness go through our bodies...

Heard a loud thud last nite which awakened the Horse...either a bird hitting the window, or a body hitting the ground beneath us...no siren, so thank goodness it is not the latter...could not see if there was a mark on the bedroom window...let's see, this is day 17 of the whatever we got...enough already...the taste buds are slowly returning...but the real problem, is the bloody hearing...huh?...

American Idol...we did catch up last eve on the 2 shows we missed...this is a good season, kids...one in particular was outstanding, thus far...not sure if ya'll are watching...but, trust the Horse...your time will not be wasted...now, I am not a fan of the way they do not show the votes...as you know...but, the talent that is brought our way, is really really good...

Went to sleep early again...as the PDX Blazers were handling the Dubs, by like 23 or so...a much needed win to get them into the playoffs...the bottom dropped out...Golden St doubled and tripled Dame...the tide turned...into a wipe out...for the Warriors...these are my teams...but, one is going in the wrong way...speaking of that sort of thang...notice that ever since Kyrie went to the Mavs...they are not only losing, but are having internal problems...duh...he is a cancer to the word team...

Yes, and the LaLa Lakers lost...LeBron is out...and I am happy...not that he is out, but they are losers...

Eli Lilly will cut the price of its most commonly prescribed insulin products by 70%, and cap it off at $35 per month...Prez B pressure?...man, it's indicative of what they have been doing to the country...gauging...screwing...bet those lobbyists are scurrying for other jobs...NRA, you need some help?...

A simple collage of our parents...cool, huh...we do miss them...

This is going way back...when I was still a working...a job I did not finish...I ran activities at the high school...did redo the brick and mortar of the school's name at the corner of the street...put in a real school bell in the arch (the steeple).above the school...they do not use it anymore, as some neighbor complained...but, it's there...started the history of the school's presidents...to put on a plaque for all to see in the showcase...alas, I retired prior to finishing the job...wonder if anyone picked that up?...kind of amusing, when I left my coaching days...in the cabinet was some awards, stuff, that my teams won...a net or two, that we cut down in celebration...not sure what else...I wasn't too grand on self flaunting...I'm sure they were trashed...we move on...

The Biebs has canceled the rest of his world tour...mental health stuff...something like that...

One of my thoughts on our trip up the northern Cali coastline...very few homeless...inasmuch, as we hardly ever even brought it up...until we hit the streets of SD again...

So many of the Friars are hitting the trail to their WBC teams...if you are trekking to the desert to see the Padres...you will be seeing the 'prospects' in the brown and yellow...the front line dudes are away at play...for their country ...

Prognosticator?...naw...as soon as I mention a team...SDSU, they get thumped...ha ha...it was weird, as Vegas had them 1/2 point dawgs to Boise...the Aztecs didn't have to win...they didn't...I'll try again...watch out for North Carolina...who MUST win...

Wait a minute buster, 'Unlike No Other', shouldn't that be 'Like No Other?'...asking for a friend...

Closing arguments for the Murdaugh murder trial...what you think?...quick deliberation by the jury?...


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