The Truth
I get asked, 'how do you write every day?...isn't it hard to come up with points of interest?'....not really, kids...especially in the political mantra is to tell THE I see it...if you really believe what you say, it is the TRUTH...a line out of Seinfeld, spoken by George Castanza...of course, when it comes to sports, the Horse is really biased...not really a frozen line, but more of a wishful thinking topic...
Am truly amazed at the Republican C-Pac that there is enough interest in the old mule, he spouted off more and more lies to his faithful, those, who are not in prison...'I actually won the election'...crap like that...'any intelligent man, blah blah blah'...look out in your crowd, donny, they are not there...those intelligent ones...they are off, down the road, listening to others speak...
The seemingly endless war of Russia...surrounding a city in Ukraine, and are about to get beat back...lack of this modern era, why oh why would Putin try this? I have said for some time now, the Kremlin will call him back home...and retire the bastard...
6 am...a jogger, a dog walker, a dude just walking, and the few cars leading their masters to work, and or, the golf course...
You know these electric long will the batteries in them function? inkling is that the hybrid is a much more productive machine...yea, well, my treks aren't that, the Beetle will suffice...usually...petrol only...
How about that maiden victory at the Arnie T in Orlando...Kurt Kitayama...held off all the vets and or big names...and won it...$3.6 million...nice...leaving Rory, Harris, and Jordan in the dust...way way cool...Kurt was a star hoopster in high school at Chino...we may have seen him play, in the only game we have seen down here in SoCal...out at Mission Hills...
Is there really a Loch Ness monster?...
With all these water bottles, Hydro Flasks, purified water, straight from the Colorado Springs, and on and on...most of us, in my era, got our water right out of the end of the HOSE!...
For all the hullabaloo about traveling into Mexico...some say it is safe...well now, 4 Americans were abducted right over the border, Texas border...Mexico side...don't assume all law enforcement is the both countries...we trust too easily...
You (and I) have no idea how much stuff Boss bought for a CAT...the preparation of...and with the change of direction...NO CAT...we have to return all, make that ALL, she purchased...not that easy, will take 2 baskets...and a trip to Whole Foods to complete the task...
Couple of years back...for Xmas, I recall...the Horse got a real camera...and it has been on hiatus for most of the time since...ah ha, now I am gonna take it out...and shoot some REAL enter in the Home's photo contest...wait, no...just for the enjoyment of all our guests here at the compound...
Rady theater at the Shell...announced their summer lineup...we already got a package of 4, ie The Beach Boys...right on...rad...groovy...hip...far out...
The TRUTH as I see it...the Monster Sudoko...have now conquered it 24 times...