The Angry Wife
This isn't what you think...the title is totally for this fine wine out of the 'new' Cali vineyards...nestled in Temecula...Ponte Winery...the deli taste of what they call 'The Angry Wife' owners reserve, generously named for a generic Red Wine...oddly, this vintage changes every year...every season...different combos of the vineyards best...rumor has it, the name originated from the owners and his friends...gathering together to name the wine...his wife got so upset that he spent too much time on the project...that she told him, it's either the wine or her...he sure is gonna miss her...
Rupert Murdoch just got through, admitting on the stand, that the FOX dudes and dudettes floated the trump lies of the election results...NOW, one of them, the foo tucker carlson, is trying to say the Coup was all a was more of a gentle path that the demonstrators show their allegiance to the grand pooppah...if you believe him, I have a bridge to sell ya...
You see the vid of a crazed passenger on the airlines, from a trip from LaLa to Bosox...?, scary took a tribe to take the bloke down...who whittled a spoon into a weapon...
Your old mule, trump...declared in one of his latest rants 'the US military, er armed forces, can't fight or win'...sure, donny, you are the best, er worst of the were the leader of the military that wanted you gone...
I mentioned the abducted Americans in Mexico....they were on a mission to get some discounted health caught in a crossfire...and then got themselves...into trouble...still...Breaking...2 of the 4 are dead!
Them Gahrs are here...and we are resting our tongues much talking and telling wild tales of the past...there may have been some booze involved...but, I can't recall...all I know was he cheated when we coached against each other...
So, we move on today...the Horse Tour...lunch at the coast...and Burgers and Brew at the nighttime...