
I got an alert that my last post had something wrong in it....not sure what it was, but, thanks for reading...

One of my fav things is to watch old Indian and Cowboy flicks...well, until the Injuns quit winning....none better than ‘Arrowhead’...the star of it was Toriano...which means chief...the lead was Jack Palance....who they did a great job making him look, he played so many tough guys over the years...thinking back....he and Robert Mitchum, were the best at this...

Palance was Ukrainian!...played football at North Carolina, was in the Air Force during WWII, was one credit of graduating from Stanford....then, turned into acting...his last resting place?...Montecito...

I’m still trying to figure out the alert...cuz I mentioned the cost of Facebook?...

It’s a shame that we are here in Half Moon, and couldn’t roam thru the area of them Mackle’s....but, this am...we move on...still sick...

Your girl Madonna, is telling her haters...that her swelling is down on her face, after her alterations...she is back to normal...thx...

Oh yea, the combatant of Toriano, was played by Charleston Heston...


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