The Art of Handwriting

Time has changed what we do...the computer...the keyboard
...sending messages, emails, birthday know, the things that we USED to do via the mail with stamps and real letters...actually communicating with our very own hand writing...nothing was better than getting a letter from home or loved one while away at college...right?, is taught while at school...but, man, so much of what we say and do, is now via the bloody keyboard and the computer...almost makes the act an unnecessary learning point...

I always have marveled at some people's magic flowing, and easy to read...the Horse has a scrambled mess...nerves, I unbiased survey of one, thinks the better the writing, the less stress that person goes thru...almost to the point, that they are the ones that CAUSE stress...this has no basis of fact...just a real Horse viewpoint...

Which brings me to spelling...the auto correct that most computers have...if you don't know how to spell in the first case, how do you know that the auto correct is the word you want?...I liked it better, when the letter you received was full of errors...which meant I knew exactly what I was dealing with...gone, that is gone...

The mystery of the exorbitant charge in our Home's HOS dues...15.4%...this (now ugly) new year of 2023...has been discovered...a memo was indeed sent out in November past, that we did not investigate thoroughly enough...listing all that has gone up...what I call 'the cost of living in the home'...where nowhere in my pay scale, did I go up this rate, we shall be priced out of our comfort zone...'this keeps us up with many of the finer condos in downtown'...four letter words, written magnificently...all in a very tight sentence...just SMILE...

Have you been following the Repubs in the House floor? they can't get their new Speaker elected...the reason?...trump's follies...are voting in a block, that does block McCarthy getting the nod...there are 20 of them...foos, every one of ' know them, Boebert, Gaetz, MTG, Jordan, the leaders of the band...rebels, and not indicative of the you see, trump is still a pain in the arse...heathens, I tell ya...have no idea how this is going to end 2, and we shall see...just saw that trump let out, "Vote for McCarthy"...hmmm, will the follies do so?...

To tell you we miss our dawg, Sammi, is an understatement...we will never get about a cat?...what are the positives and negatives to having one in the condo?...just a thought...

Another break in the weather, so off I go to the links...wonder if my pull cart has been returned?...

Come to think of it...I wouldn't be 'writing' me blog, if it weren't for the computer...cursive? way, as not one person could decipher what I was scribbling...well now, many have trouble understanding what I write...but that is totally different...see ya mañana...


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