Another Flight Fiasco
Now we are getting ridiculous...this am, the AA, wait, that can't be right...ah, the FAA, has shut down all domestic flights throughout the USA!...ALL!...due to computer error, they are saying...geez, this is getting too near our flights next week to Cabo...what's going on?...first it was Southwest, now all carriers?...more info later, as this is breaking....
The kids made it through all the bad stuff in Montecito, thus far...the house and office, both OK...and them themselves, all OK, too...thanks for caring...odd sidelight, as at the Golden Globes last eve...the presenter made joke that Kevin Costner couldn't attend, due to the massive rains, and slides...he lives in Montecito, joking matter...LaLa Land has no clue...(he won)...
What is this, day 5 or 6 for me cold?...keeps hangin on...Boss has it, too...cough cough...Dayquil Nyquil rest tissues Excedrin throat losenges...repeat...
This stuff makes me temper very short...tried to do a puzzle...must have been given to it was not of the edge pieces was missing (A CORNER ONE!)...I looked thrice thru them only missing part to the so ticked I bagged it all, and down the chute it went...
The Golden Globes...well, it is the usual for us...who are these people?...just like the music nowadays...we know a few...I guess they are making a statement...but, c'mon...we get you a quid Fonny was not watching...
More Vietnam War book...I suggest we ALL read Ken is riveting...almost to the point of 'could this be real?' was and it is deplorable what we did...what the pawns did, for the king...they had no choice...18-21 year old kids...massive waste of mankind...I will stop, and I want YOU to draw your own conclusions...
I have to get to this though...when the USA agreed to Gen Westmoreland's need for more troops....and LBJ granted him that...yes, in the mid 60's in Vietnam...the draft, reserves, and all...were saddled with the M-16 rifle...thing is, in the early days of the rifle, it would malfunction...the Viet Cong had Russian made AK-47's that did not...the soldiers were victims of improperly armed from the onset...many lost their lives and got severely injured...due to this alone...ask a Vet...
'Mom, I am bringing home two of my guys...and I need help in picking the right one for me...would you help?'...of course, dear...what are their names ?...'Stetson and Machine Gun'...
There is a song that one of the ad companies has drug up to use in their background....can't recall the ad, but the song is a dilly...'Mashed Potato Time' by Dee Dee Sharp...released in '62...background vocals were none other than the Orlons...Sloppy Joe started the lyrics was 'the lion sleeps tonight', 'Please Mr. Postman'...a spin off of Chubby Checker's Twist...good time not so good times...
The airplanes must be a 'go' I just saw one take off from Lindbergh Field...