The Things That Matter

Morning, kids...December 16...9 days 'til Christmas's a Friday and we are staying out at Sycuan for the nite...have a Christmas Concert at the Casino...meeting up with my golfing pal and his bride...for din din...prior to the show...ah, after some morning golf...there, that is all that for the Horse...

Not really...I wither away thinking about the real THINGS THAT MATTER...that seemingly never ever change..get done, by whomever is in power...inflation, guns, homeless, taxes, and political no particular order...people promise, and it is still is a problem for the Demos and Repubs, and if you count trump, whatever he thing for sure, is to NOT silence the thoughts of others...

We are in the midst of winter...yup, cold here too...the sick season...guess you have to have bad, with the good...still can't believe with all the viruses around us, each and every single day...there are people who proudly say that they haven't got nary a vaccine...that they are still alive...lucky, I say...

Harry and Meghan...this show on Netflix is riveting...of course, we the USA, have no idea of the impact of the Royal Fam in Britain...we gots nothing like it...perhaps, sort of, the Kennedys...but, they didn't get paid by the people...the KFam?...oh my, I am losing it...I just believe the two, H and M...catch it, a series...

Thursday fish day?...chowder for lunch and Northern halibut for supper...the deal at the Fish Mkt, is $13 for a pint of chowder + bread...we got it in our bike-about...rivals Mo's, Snooki...just has to be better than the Hitchin Post...has to be...

NFL...the 49ers continue their path to the Soooper Bowl...beating the Seahawks in Seattle...SF has a terrific defense...the best, Jerry, the best...still can't believe that the Niners picked up McCaffery in mid-season...another candle for their cake...since he has started for them, they are 7-0!!!!...

A problem...the NBA teams have this thing where they rest their starters...too spend $200+ a seat, and the stars are in the building...dressed in street clothes...not on the floor...seems simple for a solution to moi...cut the number of regular season games...82 is too many, how about 54?...

This is a fun weekend of golf the father son/daughter T is held...just watched Tiger and Charlie walk into the course...both limping!...what's that all about?...

Just noticed my tee time is 7:55...ah, got to wrap this up...find some way to have a fantastic Friday!...


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