Ranked, but WHY?

You KNOW my disdain for the BSBCS committee in the D-1 football
...have told you over the years why...the merit is there, as once upon a time...the press voted on number 1...and that was that...no games...imagine...all other sports have playoffs...even lower division football does...so public outcry made it happen...I reckon...let's see...money talks...the bloody bowl games...it ruined the bowlers and all those fat cats who made big bucks off of 'em...people actually do that ONE BOWL game for a living...OK, I am going out there now...

This season there are 4 teams...and the group has chosen 1. Georgia (no duh, in the past, it would have been the AP chosen one...case closed. 2. Michigan. 3. TCU (why?...they got beat in their conf champ game, by Kansas St)..4. Ohio St (snuck in cuz USC got beat, and not playing a champ game, they were just sitting there)...and then, all them bizarre bowl games....for the rest of the non-chosen ones...

Time for some Horse documentary...only seen here, BTW...nobody else is bringing this issue up...a Crazy Horse exclusive...why on earth do the conferences play champ games?...if the winner gets no playoff implications, and the loser may really get the hammer...losing their spot in the bloody BSBCS ranks...if there is no tie in to win the game, then why play it?...case in point, Utah and USC...Utah won it decisively...USC, which was no. 4, got removed all the way down, well, to outta contention...Utah got what?...pat on the back and a trophy...then, TCU and Kansas St...KSU won it, but barely...TCU, which was number 3, stayed in their spot after the loss...ah, what?...this is the BS of the BSBCS...and then, Ohio St, who played no one...sat on their arses, and waited for one of the playing teams, to stumble...OK, this is long winded, but you see the invalidity of the whole situation...as the playoffs increase to 12 next season...tie in the winner, let me emphasize that, the WINNER of the power conference champ game, to the auto spot in the playoffs...and the rest of the spots, let the damn foos of the BSBCS committee fill them in...IF NOT, eliminate all conference champ games...ELIMINATE...OK, NCAA (if you are still running this thang), get your act together...the Horse rests...

Moving on...

Kind a sad that much of the web net has to do with the silly Ye stuff, the Fonny wants to drop the Constitution folly, the wants and desires of Musk, and the pillow guy trying to wave his trump towel wherever he can...

The vote in Georgia, and I'm not talking football...appears to be massive for a run-off...which is a good thing...yes, I can't believe how many vote for Herschel, but it is a reality...the Horse thinks it is even MORE hilarious that Herchel and his henchmen, didn't want trump to stump for him...last day to vote is maƱana...we shall see...

It's been 3 weeks since our washing machine broke...gasket...so, that aroma you may be smelling just may be the Horse...I am truly sorry...

A tweet in the Tweeter...a gal wrote 'Dusty Baker is like 20 feet from me and I might pass out'...think his washing machine is broke, too?...

These Bolts...after leaving SD for LaLa Land...it makes it hard to root for 'em...but, man, Herbert is my guy...does he not run for his life each and every game?...the worst O line in all of football...

Still reading the Vietnam War book...why on earth were we there?...gory, and all politically motivated...of course...tell that to all the men and women, who lost their lives...and their loved ones back home...and all the Vietnamese who died there, too...Gen Westmoreland, what were you thinking?...

Somebody awakened the Lake Show...the Brow is playing ball again...

SCOTUS is looking into same sex marriage...I kid you not...so, you who are now married...and are not just one trick pony...better pay attention to this pony ride...your rights are at stake...

OK, Friar fans...there is a rumor about...that Trea Turner is being courted by AJ....fingers crossed...

Time to wash up...clean up...and try to find some non-smelly clothes...fingers crossed, again...


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