Flip, Flop and Flim Flam
A big hearty, HELLO, to all this fine am...as we prepare to wrap up this year...2022...put it in the storage where the past 74 have been kept...knowing full well, that this body has never had as many vaccinations in it, since my very youthful days...witnessing the biggest political debacle of the 3/4ths of a century that this bod has lived...tickled at the recent changes in the only major league team the city (town?) has in it...the grand kid list increased to two...and our yearly discussion of moving, still put to rest...yup, bye bye, '22...
The day of the audits are gone...right Fonny?...today, his taxes are gonna be released on whomever wants to scrutinize 'em...the public...enough of the 'they are being audited'...his constant flip flam of a statement...the Horse shall wait, and see what is there...more charades, I reckon...you forevers, are you watching?...
Hey, kids...you tired of watching the college football bowls?...not me...as I have no entry in any pool...so, JCC...and I lurve the games...wow, is all I can say for the Dawgs OC...no wonder they are 11-2 this season...talking Washington Huskies...as they beat a very good Texas team...the final 4 has yet to play...seems weird that 'Bama is not in it...they play KSU, which seems like a joke...
Crystal ball here...but next season in the Pac 12...assuming USC and UCLA bolt to the Big 16...UDub, OSU, Utah, and UO should be mighty good...final 4 worthy...interesting...
My 3rd day of saying this, but the Rep to be Santos, of NY...should resign immediately...well, I have not said that before...c'mon dude...you are a flim flam man...take a trip to Florida and let the sun clean your soul...
Have you heard a reason for the unacceptable grounding of the Southwest Air fleet?...an after Christmas blunder of all time...
Don't know of a better commercial than the one...'expired expired expired'...'did you get my friend request?'...'aunt Joanie is here...hello'...have no idea what product they are selling, but the ad company deserves much acclaim...equal to 'Dr Rick'...
The difference between football and hoops now...in football, they run different O's and D's...in hoops, they all run the same O, and play no D...at least, in the NBA...
So I bought a porketta roast...yup, I did...cooked it exactly the way the package said to do...exactly...it was the toughest piece of meat, the weirdest tasting creation, that the Horse has ever had...well, not ever...but up there...still can taste it this am...after brushing, gargling, and repeating...egads...don't go there...what made it worse?...$30!...
I tried real hard to not flip flop on any issue...went one way, and that was that...to be sure, the trump debacle made it real easy to stay on course...
My final round of the year today...wish me luck...and YOU, have a great day...