Chasing the Lights
OK, we are now in the we meander about and see the lights of the Christmas, and the sounds of the favorite time of the year...of course, the housing thang is done for us, just a condo life...but we do it up right, anyhoo...mostly for ourselves, and that's OK...PEACE...
I am not sure what this means, but I saw on Ebay...MAGA hats are going for $ supply...
Have you done all your shopping?...mine is done, I ordered 12 of those damn caps, for my forever friends...and I gots that many of 'em...the shipping was more than the cost of the caps...guaranteed here by Xmas...
If the bloke is indicted, I might hold onto them, they may be worth a fortune...guess the Horse is a much for the giving...
Whatever happened to the tinsel?...we used to finish off the tree, with it...does anyone make it anymore?...came in a flatish, green box, as I recall...
Seriously, if we got no eggs, then why is there chicken for sale all over the place?...the hens are on strike?...damn them unions...
We used to get in our rigs and go see the lights of the season...some neighborhoods, were known for it...some charged for, we walk the streets and see up, like up there...
What % of the great folk of the USA shop at Costco?...the stats reveal 37%...3 outta 8 peops...I think that is low...I am guessing more like 50%...or, the number of people who actually vote...they (Costco) should have a Republican day and a Democrat day...only...and for the gal from Arizona, a 5 minute time for the know, just to get a tally...well, the Republicans can send their housekeepers...they will count...
The Feds keep raising the interest rates to borrow $...shoot, that just keeps us where we are, for a loooong time...condo people at the home...could be worse...
This Elon Musk dude is a weird one...dropped his own stock of Tesla...sell off...might one get a little antsy if you own one of them?...perhaps, he should get what Martha Stewart did...slammer know, insider trading...
Massachusetts Guv Chas Baker has been named the new NCAA President...wait, the NCAA still exists?...
UCLA voted to join the Big 14, soon to be 16...along with USC...what a freakin' mess...maybe Chas can clean this all up...Chas, give Chip a call...
Is there a religion you can 'JOIN" that doesn't ask for money?...think about that for a pay to be a Christian...apparently...calm down, do NOT want to go there...
You know...if my reasoning was a gun for protection...then I'd have to practice with it...then, I'd want to shoot something with it...I dunno, not sure if the Horse should be sporting a know, the Injun thang...
Speaking of that, well not really...we are watching a new series (to us)...Three is very intriguing...set in Canada...give it a spin...
Saw this pix of the rings that the players get for the Hula Bowl...SDSU is, is it cool or what?...
?...I had this pineapple head cover that I got from Kaanapali was way great...then one day...out of the was gone...some heathen stole it from my bag...I cherished it was unique, especially for the group in Keizer, Orygun...I long for it back, or one like it...damn the heathens...
This day, in 1980...our son was born...the best day of our all know how the birth changes proud of (gulp) 42...Dr Cristopher Allan Joseph Shepard...pix here with Grandma Ella...