Pacific City?

Right across from our first stop on the Cosmo Trip...a place called 'Pacific City'...what? Huntington Beach? Oregonians may be up in arms...please no guns...BTW, we hit one of their supers, 'Staters'...which is a 7/11 on organized and filled with smiling checkers...what is the deal?...and had din din at 'Old Crows'...that had the best, and I do mean, best, brisket...the way it should be, I reckon...fork friendly... 

Geez, I lost my blog, I hope I can recall what I wrote...they are somewhere, out there, in the web net...floating, I hate was so good and clever...ha ha...let's see if I can recreate it...

The site we are in...well, the RV park has been remodeled, I guess...the stall has a handicap only sign...the turquoise thang is covering the shitter...or, did they put that in for the indigenous month celebration? see, Cosmo takes no shit...

I see that the USA's team beat Irans, 1-nil, in the World Cup...any skirmishes? do you say I-R-A-N?...

We head on up north to Carp, Carpenteria for you heathens...closer to the ocean, and the far, no rain....hope hope... know her, right?...part of the Ben thing...well, she is putting out a new album, supposedly similar to the one she did when she was with the dude back in 2002...the only one I liked and recall we played all the time we were in Florida...hope this one is like it...

Not sure what this best 30 under 30 is...but the Duck's Ionescu should be on it...whatever it is...and any social influencer should not be...

Gotta run…get a bite to eat…and traverse the roads…


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