Can't Be Done
When your scheduled 'plumber' shows up with but one thing...a wrench...small one, mind you...a sense of dismay swirls about your head...true, with no collection of goodies, er tools, in a big bag...just the's a huge deal when he arrives to switch out parts of the in the home, the high rise...the entire BANK of water has to be shut off...35 floors without water...and this bloke has a small wrench...and you KNOW what he did...nuttin'...."CAN'T BE DONE!"...not with his small wrench...I wish this was a joke...suffice to say, we are calling another...who CAN DO IT!...
World Series game 3 finally got played...the Phillies hit 5 home runs, in a lopsided 7-0 the naysayers are calling foul on some cheating by the dinger patrol...see?...nobody trusts anyone in this game...
Sirens a blazing right now...5:55 am...can't see the problem...but, there are a lot of rigs running around...
Daylight savings time ends this Sunday?...why?...I thought in Cali, we voted to stop this nonsense...lose or gain an hour, I dunno...
The BSBCS rankings came out yesterday...wasn't the Horse right on?...think so...after this week's games, the rankings will be more reliable...
The Breeder's Cup this weekend, too...Keeneland Race Track, fav races of the year...the best hosses in the World are there...never been to Kentucky...have you?...
Am not diggin' the vibe that North Korea is sending out...23 or so missiles launched out in the sea, one too close to the South...
SCOTUS confused moi...they denied Lindsey Graham's appeal to not speak to Georgia...well, something like that...Fonny must have let him go...
Still can't figure out the speed zone that the Repubs have to SCOTUS...
Colleges eating up millions of dollars to change coaches mid-season, is a red flag to ALL coach getting the gig at the NBA's Brooklyn, don't walk...
Oh my, watched a flick that sort of centers around the Liberty University...founded by the late Jerry can imagine...get what you pay for...and his son...and the allegiance they had with Fonny...oh my...
Megyn Kelly has gone from the moderate to the newest shock jock...wherever the money is...
Gonna take my slightly coughing bod out to the links this am...the fresh air just has to help...see ya maƱana...