The SHOTS Aftermath

Morning all, and I am talking the flu and Covid SHOTS
, not the other....unfortunately nearly as prevalent...we had them at 10ish in the am...CVS...put the flu in my dominant right arm and the Covid (this time was Pfizer, not Moderna) in the did is what we went through in the AFTERMATH...I went to bed...assuming the RIGHT arm was the problem...had trouble lifting it...headaches...Boss had the headaches and was achy all over...through the nite...we took Tylenol, as suggested by the pharmacist...we are normally Excedrin folk...this am?...I'm pretty good...both arms are feeling the affect of the shots...but, doable...much better than yesterday...all in all, not as bad as the last time we did this...I believe this is our 4th booster...with brand spanking new official 'Covid cards'...

I read the Vietnam book...and watched loads of TV...and slept...did see the Warriors/Suns NBA game...doesn't take long to switch sports, huh...close until the refs (Officer Malloy, in particular) decided to take over the least 7 technical fouls and the game was Kaput...get out of the way, and let the play go on, you rabbit ear foo...oh well, the Phoenix fans got their joy...

Rumor has it that Fonny is indeed going to speak at the Coup Committee...I think I worded that right...perhaps, the idea of joining his flock mate, Bannon, in jail is a oh my, it has to be televised...not like the time that Clinton, did his interview behind closed doors...ah, Prez Bill...Hillary did hers in front of the Nation...somehow, I have little trust in all politicians...and now, feel the same about SCOTUS...we, as the USA, have taken HUMONGOUS steps BACKWARD!...

How's your weather?, it has been getting down to the mid 50's at nite here...such a change...sure makes for easier sleep...hmmm, it is closing in on Halloween...

Just read that Hope Hicks has talked to the Coup know, one of the Folly's flock...

This I don't get...the late SCOTUS member, Ruth being 'honored' by having her face on a US postage stamp...ah, what?...she be this when they are ALIVE!...just saying...

Breaking news...a new NY pizza joint gonna open up on Market St, in the Gaslamp...and from the ad, I see the price of their specialty pie is $36!...$30, if you take it home, and bake it yourself...OMG, it must be made of precious flour, only ground in the hills of Saratoga...

The note left behind by the St Louis school shooter..."I don't have any friends.  I don't have any family.  I've never had a girlfriend.  I've never had a social life.  I've been an isolated loner my whole life.  It's a perfect storm for a mass shooter."...your thoughts?...

I have yet to figure out the path of 'Dr' his debate last nite...he is running from the right...and when queried about abortion his answer was not from the right...hmmm...'I don't want the Fed Gov't involved at all...I want women, doctors, and local political leaders leading the decision...'...I paraphrased this, but it is correct...figure he will get a call from the 'right' leaders today...

Almost every politician runs on one similar item...that they are going to SOLVE the homeless situation...not ONE of them has, yet...when might one of the runners, step up and do something?...this, my good friends, is EVERYWHERE in the country...

Alluding to the aforementioned Ginsburg stamp...the country world is going to honor Loretta Lynn, with an all star cast...she be this when THEY are alive...!!!...

I dunno kids, but if I were the manager of the Friars...nursing a one run an elimination the bottom of the 8th...and up came the one guy who can win it for them...I would either bring in my closer...OR, walk the dude intentionally...he would NOT beat, us...we chose to pitch to him with the current guy...and he homered and we are done...AND, if I went brain dead and didn't think of it, I sure as hell better have assistants to advise excuses...

Lots of talk about which party will win in the election in a couple of weeks...the truth is simple...VOTE, people VOTE!...we already have...


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