It Was the Mash
I was working in the lab, late last nite....naw, this is too easy and overdone...but, doggone it, it was a graveyard smash...terrific beat and absolutely fun to listen to...'The Monster Mash' by Bobby Boris Pickett and the Crypt Kicker Five...Pickett came up with the idear of the he was doing a gig with another band...and started talking ala Boris Karloff...and the foundation was set...they made an album of eerie songs...ha the session was none other than Leon Russell, to name drop...and the drummer was the dude of the Ventures, Mel Taylor...the sound effects were coo, the coffin opening was imitated by a rusty nail pulled out of a board...the cauldron bubbling was simulated by water being bubbled thru a straw...and the chains rattling were simply chains being dropped on a tile floor...and there you go...released in '62 and it is a classic...

AND did you know...that Andrew Gold did a cover of it...and one of the background sangers was none other than Linda Ronstadt!...' did The Beach Boys...Mike Love as the lead...
'Thriller' Michael Jackson...another instant smash...that had the same type of licks that Mash did...of course, by the time Jackson's came out...the video was the bomb...which made it more than what it was...
Don't mean to be writing a blog of songs just started that way....
Eerie, as the Lakers won a game...over the Nuggets in LaLa Land...appeared to moi, that this was a mail in effort by Denver...lack of effort was obvious...perhaps, too much cider on the plane ride...
Sports...the Bills are one of the elite in the they hosted the Pack last eve...pulverized the OLine of GB, and made Rodgers look like crap...listen, kids...real impressed with the Pack brain after half, they did everything quick and negated the Bill's rush...Buff still won, but I rarely see PROFESSIONALS make and high school, yes...pros, no...
More info on the attack at Pelosi's house...the attempted killer had an agenda of names...that he was after...I THINK, that you can link this to trump...another bloke trying to please his master...
I am battling a bloody cold...the one that is going around throughout the country...yea, that one...hate it...cough so much...I think...yes, think...that it is starting to work it's way out of my golf today...boooooooo...
Saw a great clip on the Tennessee cheerleaders...(rally?)...what are they to be called nowadays?...anyhoo, a security guy was in the way...and it turned out he was a do the was fun...he bee bopped and scatted with the gals...
There was a time. that HBO's Bill Maher, was funny...maybe too far left...but it just me, or has he gone bonkers? humor, attacking more than discussing, and just too hard to watch...which I have finally given up on him...
World Series game 3 in Philly tonight...OK...a win for the Phils?...
It's really not an issue for us at the home...high rise folk...but, what is the best candy?...peek back into your very own history...when you were young...younger, ah ha...mine is the Snickers...Boss likes the Reeses...I like candy corn...true dat...but close 2nd is a tie between Idaho Spud and Mellomint Patty...