Ah yes, to my golfing crew this anagram means something else...but today...ABFU....stands for After Baseball Follow Up...if you are a Bum fan, turn away this will be hideous...the Friars upset the Dodgers in a HUGE series win for us...moving on...and the Bums are moving, ah, well, going home...to the BEAT writer of the LA Times, the homer Bill Plascke...you, my despicable columnist, there is a team down here...and it is warranted...and guess what you heathen, there officially is NOW...a rivalry...tell your ownership that they are going to have spend even more cash to figure out how to beat the Padres...WHEN IT COUNTS!...just watch the NBA, and let your pea brain comprehend it...same procedure...prep yourself for the playoffs...

This comes from the Horse and a doubting, dubious, and fearful follower of the Friars....in the aftermath of the birthday shenanigans,  I was way tired...actually had the Boss turn off the game in the 7th...figuring it was a done deal...off to LaLa Land for the deciding 5th game...it's the truth...we promptly fell asleep...and were awakened by this explosion of noise around 11:30...MONSTROUS!...people shouting...horns honking...out of control...we both shot out of bed..."oh shit"...we must have pulled it off...Boss Lady started hitting me, in anger of missing the drama...

I looked at me phone and noticed texts from Lindsey Martin and my (our) son...'get on down there to the celebration!'...yup, an eruption of runs in the 7th to win it...listen, kids...just a few minutes after we took to the sleep zone...that makes this a reality...the Padres don't need me to win...ha ha...

ABFU...After Birthday Follow Up...a loooong day...as the patio door went out...like it wouldn't work...we had the same thing happen about a year ago, on the other patio door...malfunction m_____________...you fill in the word...then the birthday dindin...we went to this place that was renown for making mozzarella at the table as an horsdeourve...'we don't make it any more'....after waiting 20 minutes for a drink...let's just say it got worse...marginally warm food...and the topper?...I kid you not...for my special birthday surprise...something I have never seen before...you can't imagine...a candle on this thing that was about the size of a golf ball...no idea what it was...I split it apart and really...it appeared to have the inners of a real golf ball...where's the camera?...

The nite was salvaged as we were with terrific friends...and Boss made a bodacious carrot cake for moi...as we watched the game...until we didn't...



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