Where Did All the...Water Go?

The Earth has 71% water.
..doing the math, that means we have 29% land mass...and now, here in the USA, we are losing fresh water...ah hem...thing is, we are in a mode of what was built many, many years ago...well, is it that long ago?...damns, waterways, vessels to carry the precious commodity were put together in the 30's...like 1930's...how long will they last?...this is part of the infrastructure concerns...were these built to last forever?...what about plants to take the salt out of the ocean waters?...man, when you fly over the Pacific to the dream world, Maui....well, Hawaii...the vast amount of water we see beneath us...takes your breath away...harboring that water would be another...dream...something that we should be looking and investing our scratch into...desalination...

So much more to talk about this...global warming and the ice melting...scientists have an angle...we need to listen to them....right, politicians?...

This sleep deprivation...my catch up, started at 7 pm last eve...guess you never know when you can get it back...so essential to well being...I am up at 2:15...and it is 73* outside...unheard of temp for this area...

You Sarah Palin peops...probably in shock right now...as when I talked to my friends, the forevers...they assured me that she would win in Alaska...for the Congressional seat that was vacated...alas, not so fast...she was DEFEATED by the Demo, Mary Peltola...an Alaskan Native...a real Alaska Native...signs of things to come?...or was this just a fluke type of thang?...

The Friars in Frisco...swept the Giants...man, terrific starting pitching...for all 3 games...then we hung on...the amazing part of the last game?...the long haired hippie Hader closed it out...think that most of us Padre nation folk were in hysteria, when he was warming up for the 9th...to our collective surprise, he got the job done...Mgr Melvin, kudos to ya, too...the trust factor...

I am back...7:15...did get some more sleep...

trump has a legal team?...responding to the raid at Mara-Lago...he didn't have any lawyers...but, finally came up with some (one?)...do they know he probably won't pay them?...the RNC won't now...

BTW, where is Mark Meadows?...donny's right hand man in the WH...just after Meadow's secretary talked, he went into hiding...

Just watched a clip of Palin in angst...couldn't believe she lost...sweet sorrow...

May have a glitch in the electric cars only thing in '35....when we have the power off mode for electricity...the power company is asking all to NOT power up their electric cars during this time...imagine...the politicians need to rethink this idea...

Breaking...the corporate offices of trump's 'Truth Social' are now abandoned...nobody there...for youse unaware...this is the social network thing that donny started...and now is apparently, KAPUT!...and like so many of his ventures. unpaid...watch out you current 'trump legal team'...

We were relaxing last eve...on our back deck...listening to the XM's 50's radio...gosh, it was such great music...drinking a bubbly or two...do YOU ever do this?...

The KFam...their notoriety is flooding the airwaves with pictures...however, they have to doctor them first...in fact, many 'stars' do this, too...ya know, for mags and online stuff...I know of normal peops who do this, also...the Horse is always filter free and fairly fogged up...you see, when you see me live, I will look JUST like my pix...egads, sorry about that...'turn away, I am hideous'...credit that to Cosmo Kramer...

Getting a lil goosy for the upcoming games this weekend...am counting today as the start of it...the 1st of September...Football...Penn St @ Purdue...but, the biggee, is Oregon vs Georgia in Atlanta...Saturday at 12:30, I think...and in beisbol, starting tomorrow...a set with the Bums in LaLa Land...crucial...

Yes, we did cancel our trip up north...was to be today...thanks to the Mackles and Snookies, for understanding...and perhaps, their relief...ha ha...dawg days, so to speak...the Beach Boys are going to have to go on without their number one groupies...

Came upon a picture of one of my former teams...the photographer always wanted me in the middle...to the best of my recollection...don't think I ever was...I wanted my team as the frontrunner...I was just a part of it...true dat...they played, I helped...

I am NOT a tennis aficionado...far from it...but this venture by the GOAT, Serena Williams, at the US Open...is indeed special...one last hurrah?...

When you are at the checkout line at the super...the last second items lurk to your left and right...most have candy bars...temptations...do you ever fall for it?...if I sneak 'em...or, if we are going in an airplane...I load up on Snickers...do YOU have a fav?...


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