There appears to be a real connection to the two camps...more so than I originally thought...if not for some rather shallow sleep, I doubt if I could have come up with this...the similarities of the KK camp, and that of trump's camp...I so wanted to call it Kamp but the inference was totally wrong...yup, camp, stuck...COMMONALITY...their idear is to KEEP THEIR NAME IN THE all costs...makes no difference if it is positive or negative...well, better if pos, of course...thus, that's what they do...KK post pix, and donny talks...the more they are seen and heard, the more popularity they does it for cash, the other for politics...and the Horse falls right in the trap...I talk about donny...
The Friars let one slip the RP corp failed...gave up a grand salamy and the result was a to Colorado, for another set of must wins...
The Prez Cup was a delight...the US won 4 of 5 matches...and are in the driver's seat...two more sets today...starting at 8:30 our time on the Golf Channel...
Here I go again...donny's hope for a master...ha the master wants donny's camp to prove there was a plant by the FBI in Mara-Lago...and to be quick about it...the master knows...donny knows...we all know...donny is a fake...he calls everything else fake...fact is, the only fake is...him...yes, so from now on, the Horse will refer to donny as FONNY...that is least he gets it capitalized...
'Yummy Yummy Yummy, I got love in my tummy...'...lyrics from the great song by the Ohio you really think that the lead singer actually sings in this voice?...think that most gals would hang up on him, if he called...
My warning of Putin...the reaction of the people to his want of escalation of troops...the draft...rioting in the streets...young people fleeing the country...he will be removed...Carnac says...
Did I hear that right by the weatherman, er weatherwoman?...the temperature of the Gulf of Mexico water is upwards of 87*? wonder...
How many of youse saw the 1st episode of DWTS?...ya, me neither...
15 of the Spain National Women's Soccer team RESIGNED, saying the training methods of their head coach was harming their emotional state and health...shoot, I wouldn't have EVER had a team...if my players voted on this...
Iran...executed a lady for showing too much...not what you think...lipstick and whatever...and the country riots...then, the government sent out their own rioters, calling for the dead gals supporters to be executed...egads, what century are we in?...
Thinking back to the Spain thang...I never treated all my players the same...some you encouraged more than others...some you left alone...some you just talked to...some you had to get after...and the most weird thang, some were gamers...didn't practice well, but once the lights came on...they were's what is called a team...they are all different...each and every year...BUT...I fought for them with everything I had...
The Sooper Bowl halftime show...yea, we have to schedule that right away...rumor....shhhhhh...that Swift Gal....
OK, time for some grub...and to pack for the next week...2 swim suits, sunglasses, suntan lotion, and 2 pairs of flip flops...