Set It and Forget It
It's been awhile...that we have seen the infamous commercial, about a roasting, spinning, something of an oven...and the host, had his paid audience...shout along with him, 'set it and forget it'....well, unless it catches on fire...(see yesterday's blog) may have been too good to be true...I dunno...but, I bet you a quid you don't still have the beast in YOUR kitchen...
Speaking of hungry...have you seen the vid of the sharks off the shores of Florida?...this time in ankle deep water, kids...I kid you not...the site is not clear, but the waters seem like where we go...geez, I always had a bit of trepidation boogie boarding in Cocoa Beach...the waters were so warm, and the waves just right for the endless joy...maybe not now...hmmm, do you think that donny has ever boogie boarded?...
Convenience?...the latest thang in shoe wear...the slide into the really works...the only issue, is that I almost only wear the flip flops, ah, the thongs, well, whatever they are called...but, I am ready for the jeans attack in the fall...Skechers...rumor is that many of the other manufacturers are hot on the trail of doing it to theirs, too...
Rumors? sight of Soto yet...BUT, we did get the best closer in the biz from the Milwaukee Brewers...another long haired hippie, Josh Hader...gave up 4 dudes, ie our recently fired closer, T Rogers...bye bye bloke...and now we see, if the next part of the puzzle ...FITS!...
BTW, a strong effort by the Friars last a rare win over the entire state of Colorado...the pitching was fine and we got enough runs to go home happy...
Even thought your guy trump, doesn't think we got to what caused the 9/11 of the killers now running Al Quida, he was the present leader of them...was killed by the USA, via the names guy up...and we shall get him, know what concerns me just a little?...if we can do that, why can't the evils do this to our leaders?...
VP Harris may stop in Taiwan...and we are worried what China and Russia might think about it?...get real...they think the worst all the time...yes, by all means, stop there...and Japan, and wherever we damn well it off, Kamala, with a weekend in Maui...go to Mama's...worry about the Commies?...give it a break...
I told you about my changing my own watch battery...on the inside of the cover was this...written in permanent a person...FF 8-6-12...what could that mean?...then another, 1-5-18, with a squiggly under the 8...dates, I get, but what are the FF's and squiggly meanings?...this is an ESQ watch...
According to the sleaze ball Greg Norman, he offered Tiger between $700 and $800 MILLION dollars to join his Tour...what?...the Saudis must have money to burn...listen, can't he just package up trump, his sons, Tucker (rhymes with?), and Marjorie Greene...take them with him when he departs American soil?...
Now I am speculating...big time...but the latest rumor out of the Soto trade land...which is to be done today, if at all...or, to us...that along with Soto, is 1B Josh Bell...which leads me to believe, that along with the 'prospects' AJ is offering...a major bonafide star will be included by the Padres...Cronenworth, Myers, or Hosmer, could be part of it...just a hunch...
We have started a new series...Apple TV...'Black Bird'...little did I know, it is based on true stuff...and it is well is my take, that there are too many very odd people, roaming our country...with evil on their minds...some, are actually in leadership...
The Beatles had their very own version of 'Blackbird'...right?...Paul wrote this about the racial strife in the USA...the South...from their infamous 'White Album'...