The Great Ride

Gonna start us off with a sign of absolute joy
...traversing thru the streets of the old city of San Diego...via our latest add on, the hybrid mini bikes...yup, the electric when needed jobbies... one can peddle, but, to be downright honest with you...we don't much...ah, honesty, yes...peddle, no...they get about 15 miles per charge...the speed?...all that you want...are we the only ones doing so?...hardly, it is the new RAGE down here...most have the bigger bikes...the happy faces of the fellow hybrid bikers?...contagious...

We happened onto a great lil outdoor cookery...on the bay...that made the most scrumptious burgers...kid you not...just fun and fun for the tummies, is just so cool to get to so many spots throughout the, is that town?...whatever...yes, we are adorned by helmets...ours, were from Costco...about $350 well worth the cash, kids...

Contagious?...Prez B has tested positive for the Covid...AGAIN! it due to the drug he took for his 1st time?...this does concern his age and all...all?...well, his age...and his position leading our country...

We have completed Poldark...shhhh...but, the ending was far better than Seinfeld's or the Soprano' assured...

For all the razzmatazz about the Norman Tour on the trump course in NY....nobody gives a damn about the winner...cuz, like in Seinfeld...'Your are ALL winners!'...everyone gets paid and who cares?...

The REAL tour is in Detroit, and it has a donny brook set up for the finale...there he is again, Tony Finau, lurking at the top...the REAL golfers...

You know he is kinda such a good way...QB Aaron Rodgers...of the Pack...some might say he has had a few too many blows to the head...but, my oh my, he can play...and his interview yesterday...was spot on...'we can't tell, until we put the pads on' that...

My goal this am, was to try to talk positive stuff only on this fine Sunday...kinda did...

Is this another rumor?...serious talks are increasing with the Friars and the Nat's over thinks a good one will be included for this to go, other than a 'prospect' Cronenworth or Profar...hope I am wrong...we shall see...

Drat, couldn't do it all the way...gotta do the bills...


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