7 Counts
Another...Mass Murder...from an apparent deranged lunatic...hell bent on killing innocents...this 22 yr old from Chicago...charged with 7 COUNTS of MURDER!...so, where do you stand on the degree of pay back?...the consequences...prison time?...death?...is there any thing that would suffice such brutal horror that this guy inflicted on those who he killed, and those who are left behind?...why does a guy like this, deserve any more time on this earth?...one reason, please...
This was the number one topic on most of my 23 sources...the never ending vision, of a 2 yr old looking for his parents just after the assassination...when both have been killed...imagine...
This killer had legally bought 5 weapons...legally...you guns rights people...shotguns, OK...AR-15's NOOOOOOOOOOO!...do something about it...
Moving on...
The Pads are in a free fall...the timber has holes in it...losing again AT HOME to the Mariners...one game at a time, Horse...one game at a time...but...
The silly season of TV in the summer...CBS's Big Brother...yes, the Horse gets caught up in this fiasco...what they do?...show it about 3 times a week...it's high school...it's juvenile...it's full of lies...it's people at their worst and once in a great while, their best...it's like picking people for YOUR team in a contest...all the negative things about humans...cliques...floaters...and sure, I watch the bloody thing...starts up tonight...
To think that trump actually had a war room...of course, it was for the blokes who were to find a way to steal the election...and now, the unpredictable state of Georgia, has subpoenaed the staff of trump to talk about their war room...the 5th...and they will need a lot of them, too...fifths...
Is the F word in the latest dictionary?...cuz, if you went by how often it is used in social media, it very well may be the most used adjective in the web net...
Hey, Gregory, being in the circle of trust...does that apply to people outside of the family?...
It is Wednesday...golf day...early tee time...moderate weather...80* at Singing Hills...sounds fine...super fine...BTW, did go to the Record Store (real vinyls) yesterday...and got a way cool daddio, Jazz one...and it was flawless on the turntable...no kiddin...$1...David Sanborn...mean sax, and I am now officially....hip...