Right to Choose?

This just may be the tip of the 'iceberg'...that is melting...SCOTUS did what the 'leak' said it would...reverse Roe vs Wade...in essence, took the rights of the woman to choose...whether or not she will have an abortion...the Supreme Court of the land will decide that decision...hmmm...that get to you a bit?...and for another 'leak'...Judge Clarence Thomas has let out...that 'they' need to look at contraceptives and GAY MARRIAGE!...oh my...how does one get the foo impeached?...interesting tale, which I will get to later....

I did not think that trump left much on the table, once he was removed from office...well, got outvoted....whether he admits it or not...but he did...the nominations and approval of 3 Supreme Court Judges...these are for life, if they stay without problems...and these 3 have a very conservative look on the life we all live...thing is, the side they are on, is like representing 30% of the country...thus, the minority drives the wagon...I would bet you a 1,000 quid, donny could care less...what he did, he did because it would get him votes...his mantra...

This reversal, is spoken nationally...the individual states can do what they want...or, so it may seem...the Horse has always been for free speech, for people's rights, and for common sense...we no longer have that in our SCOTUS...as I have said prior, these judges should be voted on, just like a president is...NOT appointed by a select group of Senators...

I find it extremely fascinating the passion that this SCOTUS vote has affected the country...will we not get as enthusiastic when it comes to gun control?...are these people who support the reversal, the same that want their very own AR-15 in their own hands?...'don't let SCOTUS take our guns away'...please, don't make this a religious commentary...

Impeaching a judge...a simple majority in the Senate...but, the reasoning is very vague...not doing his or her job well...kind of like that...can't be removed for a judgment they make...ah, what?...why not?...if they, or he, or she, is not representing the law...or the people...the majority of, then why not?...for goodness sakes, these are just lawyers...prone to mistakes and to selfish, greedy, maneuvering...right?...paybacks?...ha ha...

The idea of Judge Thomas...to look into other things that he deems wrong...is absolutely catastrophic!...if he is 'leaking' it to the country, he is already dealing with it...behind closed doors...that put a shiver up your spine?...it should...yes, kids, we have a major problem in the court members...thing is, I don't know what the solution is...

Let's start with the right to choose...for all Americans...and the right to choose our very own Supreme Court Judges...



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